Characters: Adachi, open
Content: Adachi's been hiding on the ship this whole time due to past bad experiences with the festival. Now he finally decides to take a look around! Bother him as much as you'd like.
Setting: All over the festival
Time: mid day, backdated a while before Mamma's show
Warnings: Adachi himself as always (now with a nice pair of grumpy pants) and whatever you bring with you.
Note: I am a slowass who missed the original mingle log, so assume this is just a general "pester Adachi throughout the festival" log to make up for it. /)_(\ Threads don't all have to happen on the same day or in the same location, pick and choose at your discretion.
You know what they say about how being on a ship too long could make you stir crazy? Adachi was starting to feel that. Ever since the ship landed he refused to take even one step outside. After some serious reconsideration however, he decided he couldn't take it any longer and withdrew that refusal.
Now he was finally out, breathing in the sweet air, feeling the sunlight, rained upon by flowers, and letting out...
One long sigh.
Unlike some people, it wasn't the flowers that bugged him or the people having fun. It was that every Hanami festival he'd gone to before this had left such a bad impression on him that he, well... could not help but dread it.
His dad had always been really into the festival for whatever reason. So no matter where it was held, good ol' Adachi Senior made sure he got to see the Norton Cloud every time it came around, dragging his son along.
And little Tohru liked it at first! Until he got his very first broken bone. His second time at the festival hadn't been much better. Third time it came around he was old enough to choose for himself whether he wanted to go or not and he immediately chose "not".
This time though he couldn't avoid it. Once again he was at the Hanami Festival due to circumstances out of his control. Suffice to say, he wasn't too enthralled with the whole thing. But it was either bear it and hope it wouldn't be too bad, or stay cooped up in the ship and the latter option had not been working for him thus far.
Futilely he brushed some flowers off his hair and shoulders, before heading out to take a look around Balisier.