Characters: Ginko and open~
Content: There's more to the Norton Cloud then most people know, something Ginko wants to see for himself.
Setting: All over the festival
Time: Very very late night, sometime after the fighting tournament
Warnings: Probably none
Notes: While Ginko is starting this log, feel free to do seperate threads. Just mark them so
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He reached out as he walked over into view, carefully snagging one of the mushi from the air, cupping it almost lovingly in his palms.
The words took a bit to sink into him, and the officer simply managed to splutter out a lost-sounding "Harmless? You mean they hurt people, pal?" before his brain could properly sink in the information.
He paused, waiting to see if Gumshoe would ask further. Mushi were hard to describe to someone who didn't see them regularly, like telling a blind man about the rainbow.
...or something like that, right?
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