[Closed] It's A Date! Well...Sort Of.

Jul 16, 2010 22:31

Characters: Jyuushirou Ukitake and Zeetha
Content: Some friendly conversation and dinner.
Setting: Starting on the Amestris, heading into town.
Time: Evening, after sabotage is done
Warning: None

As Ukitake headed up to hall to where Zeetha's quarters were, he found himself unaccountably nervous. It wasn't as if this was something new - he'd been in relationships before, taken both friends and significant others out to dinner before. But...it had been a while. Perhaps that was it, then.

He paused outside of Zeetha's room and straightened himself up before knocking. He had actually put some effort into his appearance, this time, which meant wearing something other than his uniform. He had opted for plain slacks and shoes, coupled with a dress shirt and soft green waistcoat. After much consideration, he had rolled the sleeves of the dress shirt up, and left off a tie. Carefully casual. His long hair was carefully combed and tied back in a ponytail. He took a deep breath to steady himself, and then knocked on Zeetha's door.

zeetha, jyuushirou ukitake

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