Characters: Mr. H and anyone! Treat this as a mingle log, so if you want a private thread just mark it as so~
Content: Mr. H prematurely opens up his cafe, what will happen is anyone guess.
Setting: The future site of the WildKat II
Time: The day after the sabotage plot.
Warnings: Mr. H, he's related to Isshin. You have been warned.
Let me go. Gravity. What's on my shoulder? )
"Let's see how much you compare."
"Here. Try this. No charge for this cup." Mr. H poured forth a cup of his own special blend. His legendary House Blend. The invigorating aroma produced from it, promised that the taste would be just as good.
Warm lips touched the edge and allowed the liquid to touch the edge of his tongue. The taste was as delicious as it smelled. "How generous of you, and for a very good cup of coffee as well."
The barista smiled, believing he won the competition.
He certainlly had.
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