Characters: Mr. H and anyone! Treat this as a mingle log, so if you want a private thread just mark it as so~
Content: Mr. H prematurely opens up his cafe, what will happen is anyone guess.
Setting: The future site of the WildKat II
Time: The day after the sabotage plot.
Warnings: Mr. H, he's related to Isshin. You have been warned.
Let me go. Gravity. What's on my shoulder? )
So, when he noticed the makeshift coffee shop, he figured that it couldn't hurt to see if there was a reason for all the fuss beyond increased energy.
"Well, this is new!"
Noticing the captain, the coffee barista gave him a wave, "Sup, Patchy?"
"Well, I smelled coffee brewing, so I decided to go investigate."
"Yup! You came to right place then. What can I do ya for?"
Maybe that was it...? Then again, he knew of people who drank the vile stuff black, so perhaps it wasn't much of an explanation.
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