Characters: Jyuushirou Ukitake and anyone who wants to visit.
Content: Ukitake is stuck in the infirmary. Come keep him from going stir-crazy?
Setting: Amestris infirmary
Time: About a day after the
last logWarnings: Possibly mentions of squicky medical stuff.
The drugs and the long rest had taken the worst of the edge of his illness off, and when he awoke again, Ukitake was sore and worn out, but otherwise alright. He took a few very careful deep breaths, and was pleased when the worse he felt was a slight tickling deep in his lungs. His chest hurt like hell, though that wasn't particularly surprising. He reached down to feel his right side and found the tube still stuck into his side. Clearly they expected him to be here for a while still. He wasn't going to argue, for now - he wasn't entirely certain he could stand up without falling over right now.
It looked like someone had cleaned up most of the blood while he had slept, too. His bloodstained shirt was gone as well, replaced by a loose wrap top of thin cotton - fairly standard infirmary issue, and something he'd gotten used to over the years. He was pleased to see Sougyo no Kotowari propped up by his bed, and reached out to brush the hilt with his fingers, sending a brief pulse of calm and reassurance to the spirits within the blade. The worst was over, and now came the boring part - recovery.