Characters: Kiros Seagill & Fran [
mistmadContent: Deciding to stop by to check up on Fran after her nasty run in with a bandit in town, Kiros decides to pay her visit and hopefully cheer her up.
Setting: The Victoria II [on ship]
Time: Late afternoon, maybe?
Warnings: None besides some awkward dialog and cuteness.
"Oh! Come on!" Kiros grumbled to himself as he walked down the long corridors and hallways of the Victoria, tinkering with the small bird-like creature he kept trying to fix. He was more than shocked to find out that one of the passengers of the ship was nearly mugged and tortured by some unknown assailant here in Kropmork. What shocked Kiros even more was the fact it was 'Fran', the Viera, who ended up getting injured by some sick pervert. He was thankful that at least Ffamran was able to come to her aid but couldn't help as if feel a bit uneasy at the thought of how dangerous Kropmork really is.
"Why won't you move?" The mechanic grumbled to himself as he kept screwing on the mechanical bird's left wing. Its been about a few days since Kiros started tinkering around with this pet project of his. Trying to create a flying mechanic bird after reading a few stray books he had lying about in his quarters. At first, he thought creating something as clever this little toy wouldn't be such a hassle but as the days grew harder...
"Got damn it!" He fussed and finally gave up working on the bird since he was nearby the passengers cabins. "I hope she will like it..." Kiros thought to himself as he stared at the brass face of the small, pseudo-sparrow he tried to recreate.
"She seemed so down..."