I see no life behind your weary eyes...

Jan 11, 2010 01:47

Characters: Luppi, Rufus Shinra and Demyx Fowl(er?)
Content: Luppi and Demyx, roped into helping out Rufus by Hikari Glie, bring him some tea and soup. Yeah, it takes two of them.
Setting: Silvana, Rufus' cabin.
Time: Before the Long Night and after this!
Warnings: Demyx's dumb, Luppi's bitchy and ... Lupus? 83

...I've seen the looks you struggle to disguise. )

luppi antenor, rufus shinra, ≠ demyx fowler

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lifetogain January 12 2010, 04:06:31 UTC
If the knock on the door wasn't quite enough to wake Rufus up, the muffled call was. His earlier request to have food sent up wandered back into his pain and drug-fogged mind. Food - food was a good idea right now. He wasn't particularly hungry, but he knew eating something would make him feel a little bit better, at least.

On the downside, that meant actually getting up - he had locked the door out of habit when he'd gone to bed, which meant he'd have to unlock it. With a sigh, he pushed the covers to one side and made a grab for the housecoat he'd left on the chair by his bed. "One moment," he called out, voice still rough with sleep.

He tried to stand, and discovered almost immediately that his knees had locked up while he was asleep, forcing him to grab onto the chair back to keep from falling over. Shit. He hated mornings like this. He'd loosen up eventually, but 'eventually' wasn't 'now'. Walking stick, then, as embarrassing as it was to be seen looking like such a mess. He ran his free hand through his hair in attempt to smooth that down, at least, and made his way to the door. He undid the lock and pulled it open, not bothering to hide the less than stellar mood he was in.


ivy_girl January 12 2010, 22:47:07 UTC
Luppi looked up at the blond man, face mirroring Rufus'. Well, he didn't like playing skivvy, especially not for passengers. It was tedious and really, bringing soup to the needy? Totally not Luppi's thing. As such, a moment of mutual Less Than Stellar Moodness passed between the two before Luppi broke the silence.

"Your soup." He said, holding it up a little higher as if to point out the obvious a little more than the steaming bowl already did.

He then paused, taking in the sight of the walking stick and his rather ... ruffled appearance. How odd. He looked far too young to require the use of a cane, but, then again, he did look a little bit like death warmed up.


doofus_sitar January 15 2010, 03:22:24 UTC
Demyx frowned sadly at Rufus' appearance. The poor guy. He must have been like this for a while now. He shook his head and tried to brighten the mood with his more cheerful face and tone. "And we have your tea too!"

He paused as he noted the cane too, his cheerful face dimming down to a worrisome one. The cabin boy gave Luppi a concerned face before he took a step forward. "We'll set things up for you. Y-You shouldn't be outta bed like this!" Yes. He was offering even more help. Luppi would have to suffer with Demyx's insisting. Rufus just seemed so helpless in his condition. It was the least they could do. Just this once.


lifetogain January 15 2010, 07:53:57 UTC
Rufus forced himself to just ignore the blond cabin boy rather than outright snapping at him. If he wanted to be up and about, that was his prerogative - as tempting as the thought of going back to bed was. He moved out of the doorway, allowing them the two of them to come into the room. He addressed the dark-haired one curtly. "On the desk, please." Even if he had both hands free, he wasn't going to risk dropping something heavy, breakable, and filled with hot liquid on the floor.


ivy_girl January 16 2010, 01:39:12 UTC
Luppi gave him a Look with a capital L and skirted around him, deftly managing not to spill anything. He gave him a wider berth than he really needed to, all things considered, and put the bowl on the desk neatly.

"I hope it's not contagious." He complained, staying a safe distance from him, just in case.

He wasn't in the mood to get a lurgie, no matter how serious or mild it could be. Alas, it was a danger when you were a cabin boy and had to mix with all kinds of people, but at least his Hollow side gave him a little resistance to germs and the like. Even so, he hopes that whatever Rufus was suffering from wasn't catching.


doofus_sitar January 20 2010, 03:36:42 UTC
Demyx frowned at Luppi. "Luppi! That isn't a very nice thing to say." he exclaimed as he walked in after them. He walked in rather calmly past Rufus and held the ray with one hand.

He stuck his tongue out, in concentration really, as he tried to lift the tea pot up, to fill one of the cups on the tray, feeling his hands shake with both the tray and the pot. A few drops started to spill from the pot, onto the tray, but he soon corrected the flow of the tea in cup and smiled at his accomplishment... but his arms were still shaking.

"Tea, comin' right up!"


lifetogain January 21 2010, 11:47:02 UTC
"Only one way to find out," Rufus replied to Luppi acidly. He knew neither of the cabin boys could catch anything off him - not what was making him feel so miserable, anyway - but he was having a bad day and was perfectly content taking it out on strangers. He wasn't sure which annoyed him more - Luppi's bitching, or the way Demyx was practically tripping over himself to be helpful. "Don't concern yourself too much on my behalf," he added, the annoyance still clear in his voice.


ivy_girl January 21 2010, 23:23:22 UTC
Luppi didn't say anything as he laid down the bowl and walked back to the door after doing so. Demyx was irking him with how helpful he was being but that was fine, he'd just make sure to give him all the stupid work in future if he enjoyed doing it so much.

He, somehow, resisted saying 'I won't'.


doofus_sitar January 22 2010, 23:42:04 UTC
Demyx frowned back at Luppi and opened his mouth to speak but suddenly he felt hot tea pouring down onto his own hand. Pain ran through his hand and he quickly tried to lay down the tray, and hold the teapot right side up. He made a small sound of pain in his throat as some of the tea fell to the floor and on the tray his shoes... everything pretty much around Demyx's feet.

"S-Shoot!" he lifted his hand and a light hue shone on his hand, the tea seeming to float up into his hand, floating in a ball and cleaning up from the floor and his shoes. The particles and all the nasty stuff that the tea fell onto was no where in sight as the ball of tea swirled around and was redirected back into the teapot, as if it was fresh!

Demyx bowed his head in apology and handed Rufus his tea cup, intending to follow Luppi's suit. "Enjoy your tea and soup sir!"


lifetogain January 24 2010, 13:58:49 UTC
While Rufus wasn't up to his usual level of focus, he wasn't so far out of it that he failed to notice the floating ball of tea. It appeared the blond cabin boy was a touch more than a bumbling nuisance. He raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Interesting trick, although I think I'd rather you take that teapot with you," he said dryly.


ivy_girl January 25 2010, 04:21:03 UTC
Luppi watched the water mage's little trick with interest. Well, that beat his tentacles for coolness, if not usefulness. That said, nobody ever knows the true power of water until they learn what it is to drown.

He rather hoped he'd never have to suffer that.

"... Demyx'll be back later to pick up the stuff." Luppi told him.

No, Demyx didn't get a choice in the matter.


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