Oh how I wish, for soothing rain

Jan 02, 2010 03:17

Characters: Ness and Joshua
Content: It's been a month since they last saw each other! So, naturally, what are they going to do? Talk.
Setting: Winding Way, top deck
Time: Afternoon, a day after Ness' return to the Way
Warnings: Probably some tsun tsun. Oh, and Joshua. Can't forget Joshua.

To be honest, Ness wasn't sure if he would ever see the Winding Way ever again. After a month in that wretched cell, even his usual amounts optimism had taken a beating. But clinging to the last shreds of hope had paid off. He and the others managed to break free and be rescued.

The Way looked pretty much the same as he last remembered it. It was silly to expect it to have gone some sort of major change while he was away, but the familiarity was comforting all the same. Upon his return, Ness had promptly showered (he'd never take a shower for granted again) and slept (in an actual bed!), and while he felt refreshed, was still a bit tired and it would take a bit of time for him to completely settle back into his old routines. A day had passed, and part of him still couldn't believe that he was back. That he was home.

He stood on the deck of the Way, appreciating the sheer openness and his newly regained freedom. The Garrettstown landscape never looked so wonderful.

ness lakehaven, yoshiya "joshua" kiryu

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