Where a Duck Gains Grace [OPEN]

Jun 30, 2008 12:58

Characters:  Gumshoe + Anyone
Content:  The one place where all his clumbsiness and thickheadness falls away and a glimpse of the man under the coat
Setting: The Wheel deck of the Victoria II
Time: Just before shove off from Bellicus
Warnings: May cause dizziness and/or fatigue

Dick Gumshoe breathed deep as he once more came topside, his grin ever presant but slightly calmer now that he was offically a member of the crew names.  It was a relief to finally be back on a boat...and to be on one such as the Victoria II?  Well, lets just say that Gumshoe was very interested in keeping his new crew pleased with his performance.  And to do that he needed to familierize himself with what basicly boiled down to -his- boat now.  Well, he was the driver, anyway.

With Cannon at his heels, Gumshoe took the steps that lead to the wheel deck two at a time.  With all the buzz going on in the journals, it was best to know if they'd support that kind of abuse before an emergancy.  He'd rather not be in mid mad dash to his post and have a step bust under him.  Standing for that long on a busted ankle just wasn't fun after you'd done it twice....  Round the railing, and Gumshoe paused, grin growing bigger as he finally set eyes on his baby.  Running fond fingers over the spokes, he took up his place and lifted his head to look at his view.  Breath taking...as it always was.  

≠ richard "dick" gumshoe, ≠ kiros seagill, ≠ dahlia hawthorne

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