Characters: Tohru Adachi and anyone on the Fiertia
Content: Adachi is checking out the ship he was assigned to and maybe meeting some new (and not so new) faces along the way
Setting: pretty much anywhere on the ship but mostly the halls
Time: After the cave ins
Warnings: It's...Adachi. He is his own warning.
"So this is the Fiertia, huh?"
Adachi was grinning the way he usually did; like an idiot. For someone who came on board following the chaos of a cave in, he certainly was in a good mood. There was a reason of course. And only one reason.
It already felt good to get the hell out of Hicksvile.
Or rather, to finally be getting the hell out. He wasn't truly gone until the ship left Tulgim but it was good enough in his mind. Just the fact he'd be on his way out once the ship took off was enough cause for celebration. Although he had to admit it really wasn't the way he expected his leave to happen but beggers can't be choosers. He was just glad it was finally happening.
Everything was already taken care of. The arrangements, the passenger fees, all of it. Not by him of course. This was practically as good as a free vacation. All he had to do was pretend to work. And that was never hard to do.
He stretched, fingers reaching for the ceiling, and was just about to head off to explore the ship a little. If he was going to be here for the next few months or so, he might as well figure out where everything was. That and he felt pretty restless.
But before he did he mentally told himself to wipe the grin off. You're supposed to look depressed after something like a cave in. Supposed to be sad people got hurt and apologetic that you weren't there to help (because you weren't in town of course, not because you'd much rather avoid the whole mess). At the very least try to look a little down in the dumps.
With that taken care of he set off down the halls, hands stuffed in his pants pockets.