If you give a moose a sword...[Closed, unless you like...ping us or something. =/]

Jun 28, 2008 06:37

Characters: Beat and Hiei
Content: Hiei attempts to teach Beat how to use a sword...yeah. >__>
Setting: The deck of the 4423.
Time: Morning after Beat's post.
Warnings: Probably some violence/sparring, insults, cursing. All that jazz.

Hiei sat up against the main mast, legs up and arms crossed. He'd just waken up after a short night of sleeping on the boom of the main top gallant mast, and was now waiting on the powder monkey to show. He technically had a bed, but he preferred to sleep from a high vantage point  where he could feel the wind.

He held back a yawn, getting bored. He already had a spare rapier laid out in front of him, now all he needed was the fool. Normally, he wouldn't have bothered with him. The only reason he'd agreed to train Beat was the possibility of a fight breaking out at the 'peace' meeting. The monkey may have been an idiot, but he might have been right about the whole thing being a trap. Hiei didn't trust humans, and he trusted Ivonian humans even less. He almost hoped it was a trap, then he wouldn't have to deal with the politics.

In any case, the 4423 needed more battle-ready crew members. Like he'd said earlier, there was no reason for Beat to stay useless.

≠ hiei, daisukenojo "beat" bito

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