Characters: Various people from both the Winding Way and Fiertia crews
Content: The Way is having a party on Lunasa night, and has invited the Fiertia over to celebrate with them!
Setting: The Gunsmoke bar, on board the Winding Way
Time: Lunasa night, from about 5 PM to 9 PM
Warnings: Chance of alcohol use
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One might have noticed that she had used more makeup today, though, in order to cover up a large and inconvenient bruise on the side of her face.
"Stupid Ichigo," she muttered. "I almost got away with it, too."
He was fine watching the humans (ah, and the demihumans) enjoy themselves.
The butler stepped into the Gunsmoke bar, turning the collar of his overcoat down once he felt the warmth in the place hit him. He decided to slip to the bar and order a glass of wine before standing in the corner to sip it.
Why humans liked liquor so much he couldn't fathom at all.
A mug of some good old fashioned alcohol in hand, the quartermaster had taken to wandering around the place and toasting with assorted random crewmembers for the last half an hour or so. He had just wandered off from toasting with the last group of Seamen from the Way when he had spotted the cook and quickly hurried over to his side.
"'ey zere, Sebastian!" the human greeted brightly, complete with a charming grin on his face as he approached the other. "Glad to see you're 'ere!"
"To be honest, Pip, I had second thoughts about coming here. But it is not so bad, so far." The butler rotated his wrist elegantly, swirling the burgundy liquid in the crystal wineglass. "Though I am afraid the only company I find familiar at the moment is that of those from the Fiertia, and not of that of our lovely host ship."
He then went in close and slung his arm over the other's shoulder, grin in place as he looked at Sebastian and raised his mug. "And it wouldn't do any good at all t'leave a guy like you on his lonesome. Come with me t'drink with the others!" And by 'others' the man of course meant total random strangers, but hey - it was Lunasa after all.
It was just the sort of thing he did.
So, bird on head, he strode into the party like he owned it.
The blond pilot was not particularly paying attention to whoever entered, but she did pass on cheery greetings to whoever happened to come her way.
The bird chirped amiably.
"Sure thing," the pilot smartly returned, "but all the booze on it's mine."
Besides working in the kitchen and helping keep the buffet from running out of anything, she was keeping an eye on the guests to make sure they were under control, and keeping on her toes just in case anyone started trouble, since she had volunteered her muscle to keep the party running smoothly. And besides that, she expected that she might get called on to provide some entertainment before the night was over. Long story short, she would be working all night and probably so exhausted that she'd be sleeping all day tomorrow.
But really? It was worth it. How could she complain about working all night when she saw how many people were having a great time?
Unfortunately though, the navigator had gotten a bit too enthusiastic with the paint and the resulting product could be a little alarming to anyone who happened to glance that way.
So, once she had added the platter to the buffet, she decided to take a quick break from her service duties to try and help out the kids with the stone painting. "You might not want to mix so much water into the paint. You don't want your painting to be runny, do you?"
"I wanted to make the letters bigger, so I thought I'd use more paint! But they keep dripping!"
Obviously, there was some sort of communication barrier that was at work here.
So, she strode into the Gunsmoke wearing her best red and gold jewelry, humming a cheerful melody to herself. She would allow herself to mingle a bit before she went to the buffet table and saw if there was anything interesting being served.
As he was cruising around the buffet, he caught sight of Angel on the other side of the table. Yuri paused, understandably wary, but caught her eye with a short wave and a neutral "Hey." Even if she had made his life living hell as a Knight, she was just crew now.
"Happy Lunasa... captain." For just a moment, she had been tempted to call him 'rookie', just for old times' sake. But she had decided against it.
After all, the military had ruined her name and kicked her to the curb, and she had not enjoyed the past two years in Bellcius, trying to establish her place in a world that had turned its back on her. When she had approached Yuri looking for a position on his ship, she would have been in no place to condemn the man if he refused her. And yet he had welcomed her aboard, no questions asked.
Calling him by the name he deserved was the least she could do in return.
His wariness drained a bit when she called him captain though - as much as he hated the title (or rather, the expectations of responsibility that went with it), her using it meant they were on equal footing. He could deal with that.
In fact, Yuri considered, except for when she was metaphorically destroying his soul, she wasn't really difficult to get along with. "Happy Lunsa," he said in return, "You get anything good?"
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