[[All Washed Up]](Silvana ONLY)

Aug 17, 2009 13:25

Characters: Demyx Fowler and anyone else on the Silvana!
Content: Time for Demyx to mingle in with the crew
Setting: The Silvana, the deck
Time: Morning
Warnings: NONE YET

Demyx ventured out on deck, looking around almost curiously to see if anyone else was out and about. After spending some time getting the water out of his room, the cabin boy decided to explore the ship further. After getting lost for about a half hour, he finally made his way up to the deck. His lungs took in the cool morning air of the sky as his blue eyes took in the sight of the clouds up above.

Hugging his sitar close to himself, he walked out on deck, his boots thudding against the floor before he looked across it to see that some of it was dirty. The young man soon smiled and tapped his chin. An idea sprouted and he sat himself down on the deck, setting his sitar in his lap. Clearing his throat and closing his eyes, his fingers slowly began to dance across the strings, plucking at them.

A few feet in front of him, bubbles of water started to form, as if seeping up through the floor panels to the surface. The water shifted and moved, as if it were alive, and slowly it began to form what looked to be people. Water people; which looked similar to the sitarist himself. Their waist up were formed, the rest trailed down into water, gliding across the top of the deck. Three of them formed and pointed at one another, as if seeing old friends again.

The tune of the sitar grew a little faster, and the three of them perked up, looking over to Demyx. They all nodded to one another and started to glide up and down the decks, cleaning them. He smiled, watching them for a brief moment, away from his fingers, before closing his eyes again, listening to the music his fingers and sitar created.

luppi antenor, ≠ demyx fowler, ≠ kanda yuu, ≠ raidou kuzunoha, ≠ ramza beoulve, ≠ yami, ≠ john watson

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