Characters: Beat and [OPEN]
Content: The 4423 is only in Licere for a few days... so time to get the most use out of it!
Setting: The famous Licere hotsprings~
Time: During the 4423's stay over
Warnings: Possible nudity and peeking
Notes: Feel free to start up seperate threads other then tagging Beat for hotspring funtiems!
As a kid it had always been Beat's dream to go to Licere at some point in his life. The famous hotsprings were said to lengthen the life and heal ills. Not to mention that much water in one spot... like a lake, but warm! How many times could you see something like that in your life?
He never thought he'd do it, especially this early in his life. But here he was, standing on the edge with a towel wrapped around his hips, his wild un-cut hair hanging in his eyes without his bandanna to hold it back. He dipped his toe in and sighed. So nice....