Jam Session [Closed, though feel free to hear it elsewhere~]

Jun 30, 2009 14:50

 Characters: Souji and Tsunpo 
Content: Souji goes out on deck to practice his trumpet and remember friends
Setting: The Fiertia, before the races.
Time: Mid-day
Warnings: Creepy Good jamming with Secret Evil? WHO KNOWS!

The last few days had been fun, even with the nervousness of practicing with the plane Abe had put together. He had done pretty well, if he had to say so himself. Not  the level of Abe and Starbuck, but respectable enough. It seemed working the helm -had- increased his skills somewhat. At least now he wouldn't have to worry as much about hitting a tree.

But now was time for a different type of practice. He held his trumpet slightly under his arm, looking out at the market with a tiny smile. He thought of the first time he had played at school, helping a tiny little first year practice a trombone much too big for her. He...missed it. Missed his uncles house and the people he met there. But knowing he was working to keep them safe helped... Now if only they could get a lead.

souji seta, ≠ kawakami bansai

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