Training montage! [open]

Jun 28, 2009 09:55

Characters: Sara and whomever
Content: She's working herself to death again...
Setting: Deck of the Silvy
Time: Morning!
Warnings: None yet

Sara's schedule for the weeks leading up to the plane race were completely packed. In the mornings, she would run in place and do exercises on the deck. Early afternoon was for regular drills with the plane, always, of course, after making sure it hadn't been sabotaged. Late afternoon was more physical training, not that trying to run with iron shoes would actually help anyone fly a plane. Early evening was mental conditioning, early night was lifting weights, midnight was back on the plane doing high-altitude drills, and early morning was engine tests.

Notable on the schedule was a lack of time set aside for sleep and also not much time to eat. This was probably why she was passed out on the deck this morning.

≠ hinamori momo, ≠ apollo justice, ≠ mystearica aura fende, sara werec, ≠ kyouya hibari

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