Characters: Akito and OPEN
Content: Akito is searching for other Sohmas, though she is unlikely to be successful.
Setting: The edge of the market.
Time: Day - Later, however. She can't handle the heat.
Warnings: Nothing that I can think of aside from possible mood swings?
Wrapped in sapphire blue silk
dress, Akito looked surprisingly feminine. She even had her hair pinned back from her face with delicate white, pearl flowers. Why she had chosen to look like a woman instead of a boy was anyone's guess. However, it seemed, at least outwardly, that the woman had given up on something. Perhaps the absence of her family had finally broken her resolve. Perhaps she had realized that she needed to reach out instead of recede into herself. Whatever the reason, Akito was now walking delicately through the crowd, grey eyes flitting from face to face with some interest.
She paused and bought herself a plum, nibbling on it idly. Licking the juice from her lips, she began walking again, hoping to see a familiar face.