Characters: Sai and anybody who'd like to bother him!
Content: Sai has his eyes on the pretty ship the Winding Way as he works through the temporary market place. He's looking to join, ready to offer his artistic skill! Please feel free to bother him!
Setting: The temporary market in the Badlands.
Time: Early afternoon.
Warnings: Not a lot! Possible penis mockery?
He knew just what ship he wanted to join. He'd had it within his sight all morning. Throughout the day so far, he had found slightly more comfortable looking pieces of land to sit down on, where he'd pulled out his sketch book and tried to capture the theatre ship's image. It wasn't that it was just nice to look at. It seemed to call to him, for whatever reason. He wasn't sure what the protocol was for joining air ship crews, and so he later found himself wandering the market place, almost like a small town, while he contemplated his situation.
He couldn't stay in the same place too long. That was out of the question. At least, aboard a ship, once the race he'd heard about was over, he was sure the ships would be constantly moving around. That suited him just fine.
As he walked through the market, glancing idly at the various stalls set up, he listened out for clues as to members of the theatre ship that caught his eye. If he could find someone, or, if someone could find him, he could at least ask what a person would have to become a crew member. He was well aware that certain ships in the area only allowed a particular kind of person. He had never been military, at least not the kind they had in mind, so that ruled at least one out.
Glancing for a place out of the way of the foot traffic, Sai moved to sit once more and flipped open his sketch book. His drawing was almost complete. Unscrewing a bottle of ink, he carefully dipped the tip of the thin brush and looked towards the ship. He thought that he could at least finish before continuing on his way.