She's just a fraction of herself [closed]

Jun 20, 2009 00:29

Characters: Ichigo, Rhyme, and Beat
Content: Really, who wouldn't be suspicious of a 20-something guy leading a little girl around a festival? If it were anyone but Ichigo, it'd be sketchy as hell. Trouble is, Beat doesn't know Ichigo, and isn't happy with some guy perving over his sister.
Setting: The more carnival-like parts of the festival
Time: Early afternoon
Warnings: Beat and Ichigo. In the same place. Uh. Language, big-brothering, posturing. With a side of Rhyme-cute

They'd been walking around the fair for nearly two hours, and it was starting to heat up. Ichigo wiped his forehead with his sleeve, shading his eyes from the sun. He didn't want to go back, though, not yet, although he did check to see how Rhyme was doing. Ichigo had to remember that she was younger and smaller than he was, and didn't want her fainting from the heat.

"Hey, you thirsty?" he asked, mild concern in his eyes.

This place reminded him of a huge carnival. There were small shows, performers on every avenue, vendors hawking their wares, fortune-tellers, and games of all kinds. A walk around here with Rhyme was just what he needed after the stress of the anniversary, and to stave off the pressure of the upcoming race. Even if he usually didn't go for carnivals and stuff, Ichigo found himself enjoying seeing it all with Rhyme. She was having such a good time, it was impossible not to be affected by her mood. He'd watched some of the performers with her, and even played a game or two. He'd given her the prize he'd won -- Ichigo wasn't going to do anything with it anyway (this was becoming a bit of a pattern with Rhyme), and wondered what she wanted to do next.

Water first, though.

≠ rhyme bito, daisukenojo "beat" bito, kurosaki ichigo

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