All Around the Mulberry Bu-......wait...whut? [Open]

Jun 19, 2009 21:10

Characters: Harlequin and whoever he meets . . . or trips over him, as the case may be.  D=  LOL
Content: Wandering, sightseeing, avoiding any stray dogs or cats, enjoying the energy in the air . . . trying to figure out where in Reial he is . . . and working on not getting stepped on!  =S
Setting:  The streets of the makeshift town in the Badlands
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≠ harlequin, ≠ near, yoruichi shihōin, ≠ abe takaya

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abeator June 20 2009, 15:30:29 UTC
He had been wandering around the market a little ways off the common hangar when he saw a small... puppet walking around. He thought at first that someone was giving a street performance, but it did seem like the puppet was walking about on his own. Was it through magic?

So, without thinking about it, he walked toward the thing while its back was turned and promptly reached down and picked it up by the scruff of its clothes. "What are you?" he asked, if a little gruffly, turning the thing to himself.


fire_water_wood June 20 2009, 17:55:43 UTC
((*snerk!* Mun is highly amused...Puppet not so much, but mun definitely XD))

"Yipe!" To say that Harlequin was startled would be an understatement. A-and how rude! Being plucked up like this... Unnerved reaction more than any real anger, though, was speaking as he looked up that the young man who had captured him so abruptly. "E-excuse me, sir, but could I ask you to kindly Put. Me. Down?!"


I will go to bed. ;; Net is slow anyway. Night! o/ abeator June 20 2009, 18:27:06 UTC
Abe stared at the puppet in surprise. "You're alive," he stated flatly, disbelieving of it. He was a mechanic, himself, and not a bad woodworker, but he had never met anything like this guy. In his surprise, he forgot to put the thing down.


Nighty! Take care *huggles* fire_water_wood June 20 2009, 18:36:08 UTC
Harlequin sighed, then grinned. After all, he really didn't mind so much - the man had just caught him off-guard. "Yes, sir, that I am. I am a Living Marionette. Harlequin, at your service." He plucked his hat from his head and offered a....rather awkward bow, actually, considering that he was still suspended by the back of his tunic. 9,9;;;


abeator June 21 2009, 07:43:45 UTC
"Ah, a living marionette." That made sense... very little. How did marionettes live, in the first place. Not sure how to reply, he went for the safest reply: "Abe Takaya."

Oh, and he should put the thing down, probably. So he did, settling the marionette on the ground fairly gently.


fire_water_wood June 22 2009, 15:57:11 UTC
Harlequin was very glad to be on his own two feet again. It wasn't that he was afraid of heights - far from, in fact! - it was just disconcerting to be picked up in such manner, not to mention the vulnerable position it put him in. "Thank you, Mr. Takaya, and well met. Say, can you tell me which way to the Winding Way? Ah, t-the ship, I mean," he added quickly, realizing he might be mistaken for some kind of rhyming silliness - how awkward...


abeator June 23 2009, 01:24:27 UTC
"Abe," Abe corrected. He was used to introducing himself surname first, and apparently, people always mistook his first name as his last? Maybe he should change his habits...

"As for the Way..." The theater ship, right? He was fairly certain that was it, since his fellow pilots were planning on going there to watch sometime soon. "It's..." Abe turned around to scan the ships floating around. Where was it, where was it. Ah. "That one," he pointed, gesturing at the ship some distance from them. It was large, round, and fairly peculiar in build, considering that it looked more like floating cake than anything.


fire_water_wood June 24 2009, 14:10:11 UTC
Harlequin turned to look . . . could only see the bottoms of vendors' stalls and the backs of a lot of pedestrian knees. With a sigh, he darted over to the nearest stall, where a tall pole - one of a pair - jutted from the ground several feet ahead of the booth to support a cloth awning. He shimmied up the pole, then looked in the direction Mr. Abe was pointing . . . blinked, rubbed his eyes, looked again.

"Ah . . . t-the, ah, big metal birthday cake-looking ship, Mr. Abe?"


abeator June 25 2009, 00:37:22 UTC
Abe chuckled at the description, turning to look at the Way and nodding. "Yep, that's the one. If you can make your way through the crowd, anyway. It's hard to miss, though. Has a lot of loud people there." Although he didn't really mind. Festivals were great opportunity to earn money and buy stuff on bargain, and the happier people were, the better for him.


fire_water_wood June 25 2009, 14:42:43 UTC
Harlequin laughed, looking at Abe from a height that actually put them eye-to-eye now. "I shall keep that in mind, sir. And what of you, Mr. Abe, if you don't mind my asking. Are you here with the Winding Way? Or one of the other ships?"


abeator June 25 2009, 14:51:32 UTC
Although Harlequin's head was much smaller than his, so Abe found it odd anyway. "It's fine to call me just Abe," he informed the puppet, and turned around to locate his ship. "There, that's where I work. I'm a pilot on the Fierta." The ship was a massive blue thing, seemingly like a gigantic whale in the distance, with its sails and masts fanning out like spines.


fire_water_wood June 26 2009, 14:43:49 UTC
Harlequin shifted around the pole a bit to get a better view, spotting the great vessel. "Ooh, neat!" Then, Abe's comment hit him in full, and his eyes went wide. "Ah! Y-you're a pilot? You fly?! You really fly?" He'd never-....well, okay, he couldn't say anymore that he'd never flown before, but he wasn't sure being crammed into a hiding spot in a ship's landing gear quite counted. It was certainly an experience he did not care to repeat, but he knew if he could have flown properly, he would have far more enjoyed it.


abeator June 26 2009, 14:52:38 UTC
Abe blinked, but was more or less indifferent to the reaction. He realized when he started traveling that flying, in fact, was not common to people. It's just that he had been doing it since he was three that he was so used to being on air more than being on the ground.

"Yeah, I do. You've never flown?"


fire_water_wood June 26 2009, 17:49:03 UTC
"No, sir, I've not. Ah...w-well, wait. I have once...sort of. I got here from Melior by hiding in the compartment of the landing leg of a ship, b-but...." He looks around, eyes wide with wonder. "I've never properly flown, where I could see anything. I would love to get to fly in a plane like the ones that will be in the race."


abeator June 28 2009, 13:35:58 UTC
"Hiding in the--" he echoed, before blinking and scratching the back of his neck. "That's hardly flying. After the races, you can look for me and I'll take you on my plane." Flying could only properly be done on a plane, after all. Even being on an airship didn't count, in his opinion.


fire_water_wood June 29 2009, 16:02:03 UTC
Harlequin's face LIT UP with excitement. "Oh! Really?! I would so love that! Thank you!" He bounced on the ball joints of his wooden feet. He was going to get to go flying! Oh, he couldn't wait!


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