
Jun 18, 2009 23:50

Characters: The Disreputable Dog and anyone else who happens to be around, for whatever reason.
Content: The Dog is on duty guarding the hangar. The Dog is bored.
Setting: In and around the plane hangar.
Time: Any time before the race.
Warnings: Nothing beyond what you bring with you.

There was practically a whole town out there now, full of interesting things she could be doing, finding, smelling, eating or chasing. And she was stuck on guard duty. Joy.

Even though the common hangar was out of the way of the main bustle, there were plenty of people around - pilots and mechanics from the various ships, mostly. But while the Dog was wandering around keeping a careful eye (and nose) on them, she didn't quite see how having guards here was even supposed to help - it's not as if she knew anyone here apart from the Silvana crew by sight or scent, so how was she supposed to tell if they were there on legitimate business or not?

Rather than voicing her complaints, though, she carried on sauntering around the area, trying to at least look enough like a good guard dog to discourage people from doing things they shouldn't. And if she poked her nose (and the rest of her) outside into the sunlight occasionally, or stopped to chat to anyone who caught her fancy, she didn't expect it to matter too much...

luppi antenor, ≠ harlequin, ≠ raidou kuzunoha, ≠ the disreputable dog, ≠ john watson

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