[Closed] More days to come, new places to go --

Jun 15, 2009 20:56

Characters: Toph Bei Fong (
terra_inflexus), Komachi (komachibi)
Content: Toph is bored, Komachi thinks this 'Earthbending' thing sounds like fun, and both of them need more friends their own ages.
Setting: Starting at the Silvana, around and about.
Time: Afternoon, before the race.
Warnings: Unsupervised lolis who like to smash things?

Even if she wasn't strictly supposed to go off on her own, it didn't take too much effort to sneak off the 4423 - there was only a certain proportion of the crew that would try and stop her anyway (but they could get terribly bothersome and fussy if they did catch her), and most people were too occupied to notice her unless she tried to attract their attention, anyway.

There were a lot of people and more than a few ships around, though, and it took Komachi a good deal of running around and asking people before she managed to find the Silvana.

Ship located, she just had to find the person she was looking for. She looked around, but not knowing what the other girl looked like, that wouldn't help much even if Toph was standing right there.

"Toph?" she called, as she walked towards the ship. Then, again, a little louder: "Toph! You here?"

She was probably going to have to ask someone, she thought - well, no-one she could see from here looked particularly scary, that shouldn't be a problem. (Komachi had always been rather lax on the 'don't talk to strangers' front).

≠ komachi, ≠ toph bei fong

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