Comes out wrong and never comes out right [Backdated and OPEN]

Jun 06, 2009 16:52

Characters: Gwendal von Voltaire [knitter_gwen] & OPEN to Silvana crew
Content: Out on the deck, contemplating and linefacing as per usual.
Setting: On deck of the Silvana
Time: Sunset, after the Captain returns.
Warnings: None.

It seemed he was out here more often than in his room, knitting. The fiasco with their Captain had certainly put a new perspective on what he was doing.

Which was nothing, at the moment. Gwendal sighed, leaning against the rail and looking out into the endless sky. No, that was a lie. He was in the middle of something, but it didn't have to do with the government or the ship. Not really.

No, it was different and he'd almost stopped paying attention. Suddenly, Parliament was nearly dead and it had, essentially, been this ship's fault. Gwendal help no political ties with Ivona or Vohemero. But he was not about to see this world wage a war. He was done with wars and if he could stop it, he'd rather do so.

The question is: how? What could their ship do to stop Denoument? Oh, he'd heard the stories about Alex Rowe and this group, how it was a load of crock. But to be honest, Gwendal had lived long enough to find out that things were not always as they appeared. He was going to stick by this. Just like he promised himself he would help Tear find Van and stop him on his own crazy quest.

But the demi-human had no idea how to go about that. Not yet anyway. Perhaps he could talk to the captain. It was his job, after all, to come with strategies. Well, perhaps talking to the other strategist, Raidou Kuzunoha, would be best first. He sighed, leaning his chin on his hand, he just didn't know yet.

≠ aizen sousuke, ≠ izuru kira, ≠ raidou kuzunoha, ≠ kurogane youou, ≠ john watson, ≠ gwendal von voltaire

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