Characters: Isako and whoever wants to log some good ol' cacti killin'
Content: Cactuar are attacking the ships!
Setting: 4423 and Winding Way. (They're in the same area since they were both doing repairs)
Time: Daytime. Sometime.
Warnings: Isako's got a gun. I'd be careful.
There's gonna be a lot of cactuar juice when this is over )
He wasn't really sure what Zeetha was up to, but... well she said it'd help, and Luffy trusted her. Besides what harm would water do anyway? Maybe they were scared of it or something... well, whatever the case. The powder was sure he'd do it anyway.
The cactuars fell prey to Jean's dancing (which Luffy never noticed), only seeing a few of the living plants slipping from Cloud's reach and immediately acted at once. He grabbed a pail and dunked it with water before stretching iy over and without so much as a warning, dumped a bucket of freezing ice water right onto the cactaii.
"Gomu Gomu no Rifle!" the powder monkey shouted before snapping both his arms forward and delivered a two-fisted punch right onto the nearest cactii's face with enough force to make it fly back with a couple of its friends. Luffy didn't stop there however, crouching down once he landed and stretching his leg to deal a sweeping kick to them. "Gomu Gomu no Muchi!"
Cloud narrowed his eyes, cringing a little as a shower of needles jabbed against his sword and makeshift shield. Once the lethal rain ceased, he jumped up quickly, taking his sword with him, and resumed his attack.
"Are you both alright?" he shouted to the others during one of his defensive positions.
"Gomu Gomu no Gatling Gun!" shouted the powder monkey as he brought his fists forward in a barrage of continuous never-ending punches, still bringing down the living cacti despite his somewhat bloodied knuckles by now - worse came to worse, all he'd need was a good trip to the infirmary and a couple of days' rest ( ... )
But she noticed a good line of them in the ground, and couldn't pass up the opportunity. "Blue Dragon..." She took a step back, then charged forward a few steps before leaping forward, leg extended in front of her. "KICK!" The flying kick plowed straight through the cactuars, knocking them over into each other like dominoes ( ... )
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