Characters: Hitsugaya and anyone on the Silvana?
Content: After current events, Toshirou contemplates where he stands in all of it
Setting: Deck of the Silvana
Time: After Amicus
Warnings: none yet
Toshirou stared off into the sunset as he held the bokken he'd taken from the small dojo in his hands. It wasn't Hyorinmaru but he needed to practice, it also cleared his head and he had far to much on his mind lately. Moving through the forms Rangiku had taught him so long ago and ones he'd learned from watching Jushirou and a few others, he let his mind go.
He'd promised Heihachi, Jushirou, Rangiku and himself that he'd master Hyorinmaru. The problem was he didn't know how. His pride kept him from asking for help, so here he was trying to puzzle out a way by himself. Instead of calming him like he'd hoped, the forms were only making him more angry. Toshirou felt like he was missing an arm, the sword wasn't connected to him, wasn't a part of him and he hated it. It was just a sword, a wooden one at that.