Characters: Cao Mengde, Delita Heiral, and Miles Edgeworth, with a special cameo appearance by our favorite cabin girl, Greta!
Content: A group of gentlemen decide to discuss world events over tea.
Setting: Edgeworth's cabin
Time: The day after Amicus In the evening, sometime after the news of the 4423's release gets out
Warnings: Plotting and herbal tea.
Disgusting. It was absolutely disgusting. The news of the 4423's release - no, escape had weighed on Edgeworth's mind all day, and filled every fiber of his body with rage, disbelief, and nausea. The more rational part of him chided him for this; after all, this was hardly the first time a pirate crew had escaped justice, and it was doubtful they would be the last.
After all, the voice in the back of his head murmured, that's why you're here, isn't it?
The reminder did little to improve his mood. He sighed, and leaned back in his chair. If nothing else, he was eager to hear what his "guests" had to say about the situation ...amongst other things. Edgeworth took a deep breath and, in preparation for their arrival, arranged the chairs in front of his desk. The cabin girl would be here any moment with their tea, and they would follow soon behind her.