I'm just a stranger, even to myself.

Mar 01, 2009 19:09

Characters: Larsa Ferrinas Solidor and Matilda Wormwood.
Content: Matilda decides to pay the young Prince a visit, to thank him and get to know him better.
Setting: Passenger Lounge
Time: Today around eight?
Warnings: Noooone.

The Amicus spirit was really picking up, wasn't it? This would be the first time that Matilda would be celebrating it, and despite how small her list was, she was rather excited for it. Edgeworth, Tatiana, Susan, Mai, Garnet, Millie...and one more.

Matilda had meant to get in contact with Larsa for a while now. The young boy was the reason she was still here; had he not shown up when she did Matilda was certain that beast would have killed her on the spot. It was becoming a little frustrating that she seemed to continuously play the damsel in distress, but her gratitude towards him remain all the same. She would just need to learn to muster up her courage, to not be afraid of facing things alone.

In all aspects; not just fighting. Part of the reason she had delayed scoping him out for so long was a product of her shyness. Even if he was her age she was still a little afraid of approaching other people, but best do that and thank him for all he had done than be rude. Besides, this way she could try and figure out what to get him for Amicus. She didn't have too much money, so flowers and candies wouldn't work for everyone. She'd found a book on embroidering and had been working on make some throw pillows in the shape of flowers for Edgeworth and Susan, but she wanted to try to vary in her gifts.

It didn't take her too long to find him in the passenger's lounge, despite how big the ship was. It was the logical place to go, and she hesitated for a couple seconds as the threshold before walking quietly over to him.

"Hello, Larsa."

≠ larsa ferrinas solidor, ≠ matilda wormwood

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