Stupid Stinkin' City. [Open]

Feb 23, 2009 22:24

Characters: Shido Fuyuki and open to the Winding Way.
Content: Shido is brooding up on deck about the impending holiday and the fact that Kropmork agrees with him even less than most cities do. Naturally this means he does not want would love some company!
Setting: The Deck of the Winding Way; Kropmork.
Time: A few days before Amicus.
Warnings: Sulking, maybe mild swearing, and the Way's typical crazy?

It was fair to say that Shido wasn't a fan of most of cities in general. Large crowds of humans tended to rub him the wrong way, especially since they were the only species that seemed to get less intelligent when pushed into a large group...but this place rubbed him the wrong way more so than usual. Maybe because it reminded him too much of the Limitless Fortress. That same sense of desperation. The lack of decency. The inherent paranoia and, oddly, just the smell. However, unlike the Limitless Fortress, there was nothing even remotely familiar about this place, and the whole experience was unsettling him more than he'd like to admit.

And as if the ambiance of Kropmork wasn't enough, there was also the question of the upcoming holiday that seemed to have infected the ship with a sense of nervous anticipation and what could only be described as an excess of...smileyness. Giselle was positively joyous about the whole occasion, filling the kitchen with so much 'joy' and 'love' and 'song' that Shido was frankly avoiding the place until the horror came to an end. The amount of doe-eyedness going on between certain crew members was getting positively alarming, but even that wasn't enough for him to gather his courage and ask anyone about the cause of this mysterious phenomenon.

"What the hell is Amicus anyway?" he muttered to himself, staring out broodingly over the rail of the ship. Someone needed to make a simple instruction manual for all these stupid holidays, because Shido just didn't get them.

≠ aeris gainsborough, ≠ shido fuyuki, sophie hatter, ≠ wolf, mimino kurumi

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