Characters: Neku H. (
hedgephones) & Ishida Uryuu (
antibutton), for now
Content: Mr. Mew meets with an unfortunate twist of fate. Neku cannot sew. Ishida happens to be nearby. THE REST IS HISTORY.
Setting: Crapmork, Downtown
Time: Slightly less than current? Something like that.
Warnings: Stuffed animals and failshota. Also, geekQuincy (it is totally a word).
Walking through downtown Kropmork was a little like navigating a warzone, if you were actually trying to get anything done in the street. Wagons and carts barely slowed, much less stopped to yield to pedestrian traffic; it was only through sheer luck that most of them hadn't metal-plated their wheels. (Luck, and weather patterns, after a fashion.)
Sure, Neku was pretty nimble, and he knew how to slip through a crowd without using his elbows too much, but still, crossing the no-man's-land of the busy street felt like it should come with a large handholding mechanical crossing-guard or something.
He restricted himself to window-shopping along one side of the street at a time (it was better to U-turn in the market squares, where the sheer volume of people slowed traffic to a crawl and sped up the production of creative new cartman's curses), and the somewhat more controlled madness of Guild-sanctioned vendors drowned out the sounds of people falling in the gutter and almost made him forget to hide the out-of-place plushie that kept getting him funny looks from passersby. It wasn't that unusual for a guy to be carrying around a black stuffed animal, right? At least it wasn't pink, and it was coming on Amicus anyway, so--oh god, that just made it worse, didn't it?