Come kick Maxim's ass! [OPEN]

Dec 30, 2008 01:18

Characters: Maxim, anyone else on the 4423 or even the Winding Way
Content: Maxim has issued a sparring challenge. Winners get to take an item from his pile of goodies from town. This is more or less him being frustrated that he hasn't seen any action in forever-finity and offering prizes is him trying to lure people. He hasn't taken into account the magic-users on board so this could get hilarious.
Setting: Deck of the 4423
Time: Some morning
Warnings: Violence, Jäger stupidity, someone possibly pwning a Jäger, language if when Maxim gets his ass handed to him.

Just setting down the crate of goodies Maxim had picked up from around town, he straightened up and glanced around eagerly to see if anyone had decided to take him up on his challenge. His left hand gripped the hilt of his rapier, impatiently waiting for the moment that he'd get to actually use it in a match. It had been far too long since he'd gotten to see any action and his fingers were itching with anticipation.

It just wasn't natural for a Jäger to sit and... not... fight. It was like being back in the days of Bill and Barry Heterodyne. Not that they weren't nice guys or anything but that was just it. They were nice guys. Too nice. They never allowed the Jägers to go raiding like the fun Masters had. Those had been very long and boring days. Of course Maxim had been one of the Jägers chosen to embark upon the mission to find the missing Heterodyne so he had gotten to see more adventure than many of his comrades but it just hadn't been the same.

Thinking about those days made Maxim even more impatient. He paced back and forth in front of the crate, swinging his sword, the blade whooshing through the air.

dimo, ≠ katsushiro okamoto, ≠ cloud strife, ≠ hijikata toshizou, ≠ maxim

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