A Dummy's Guide To Emotional Health & Well Being [Complete]

Dec 29, 2008 13:46

Characters: Hijikata Toshirou & Miles Edgeworth [mayovice & edge_of_honor]
Content: Edgeworth & Rou drinking log V2.0; Its DL-6 day, and what better way to celebrate the day than by getting utterly smashed!
Setting: Edgeworth's house apartment ---> Bar ---> Hijikata's apartment.
Time: Late evening to nightfall during the 28th of December (AKA DL-6 DAY).
Warnings: Drunken shenanigans, token emo and angst for Edgeworth; lol conflicted feelings and uncertainty (as well as some emo as well) on Hijikata's part. Also, foppish hats.

The message that Edgeworth had sent to him was easily enough to say, more than surprising for Hijikata. Contrary to what he had said, he really wasn't that all busy with paperwork - he had been more or less busy in trying to find out anything he could about the Okita family in Bellcius. It had been that way ever since his cousin had asked him for that favor a day or two ago. The favor to look up about the Okita family that was in the city.

Okita... the man never expected that name to be brought up again, least of all by his cousin. He thought he had put that behind him, but then now it decided to come back all rushing back him to all at once, and in the most unexpected way possible. Why didn't that little shit Sogou ever mention to him that he had a family here? Was in on purpose? To hide this fact - did something happen to him and Mitsuba that was caued by them...?

Damnit, this isn't the time to be thinking about it, the man chided himself as he stepped out from the docks in his more casual attire - dark blue slacks, a denim jacket (with gold-ish edges at the side) over a vest and a dress shirt, plus boots for footwear. Plus a deep red scarf, since it was pretty damned cold tonight. December always had pretty freezing nights - even his breath was visible in the night air, as Hijikata muttered a few curses and stuffed his hands into the pocket of his pants and started to head in the direction of Edgeworth's apartment.

He knew what day it was today - December 28th. Edgeworth was always... different on this day, for a lack of a better word. He was much more distant and avoided a lot of contact, and more often than not simply stayed in his apartment. Most people would assume it was just one of those days - but after four years of working together with him Hijikata knew it was something more. The only problem was that he didn't know what it was - Edgeworth seemed to prefer keeping any details about this day to himself. The man made a mental note to try and look up about it some---why am I even bothering about him again.

He was just the fucking annoying first mate anyway. Why bother? Nothing would come out of it. Nothing at all...

Hijikata snorted and shook his head to clear those thoughts as he neared the man's home. Not the time to be thinking about this, the boatswain thought to himself again (it was becoming a new mantra of his nowadays, disturbingly enough) before he reached the front steps and raising a fist, knocked smartly on the front door three times before waiting for a response.

miles edgeworth, hijikata toshirou

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