Gift Shopping [Closed]

Dec 23, 2008 01:11

Characters: Kambei Shimada & Maxim
Content: What would you buy for a nearly 'three-hundred-year-old', ex-general, Jägerwoman for her birthday? This is the question that a lone samurai is trying to figure out with the help of one Mamma Gkika's closest allies...
Setting: Streets of Colvus(A weapon shop called 'Excalibur; Cutlery & Gifts')
Time: Early evening
Warnings: JAGERS, violence, weapons, gleeful killing spree and a very exasperated Kambei Shimada... NOTHING~! <3

Unsure if Dimo would have time to help the samurai search for a gift for Mamma Gkika, one of two healers aboard the 4423, Kambei opted to travel into Colvus with Maxim in tow rather than pester the helpful green-skinned Jägerkin anymore today. He looked rather pensive as he waited upon the top deck near the gangplank, still dressed in his usual white robes. Mamma Gkika's birthday came as a sudden surprise for Kambei since the Jägerwoman did not say anything about it. He was sure that Gkika and her companions plan on hosting an elaborate party upon the 4423 but Kambei felt it would be at proper for her fellow crew mates to not only show up for the party but to give her a gift or two to show their appreciation.

This is how the samurai made sense of his sudden urge to buy her a gift. Surely if his fellow samurai ever found out that their daring leader went out of his way to purchase the Jägerwoman a gift, Heihachi and Gorobei would certainly tease him about this. Kambei found himself wondering as to why he wanted to do this for her but judging by the fact that he also brought Naoto(one of the many warriors aboard the vessel) a gift as well, the samurai figured that he was just being polite.

“…Want can I possibly purchase for her that she didn’t receive before?” Considering the fact that Jägers are known to leave three times longer than any mere human does, Kambei really hoped there is something he could give Gkika that she never received before. He wanted to be as original as possible while still playing along the guidelines of what the healer likes.

≠ shimada kambei, ≠ maxim

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