
Dec 17, 2008 16:00

Characters: The crew of the Winding Way, other visitors are welcome and encouraged!
Content: The Way hosts their own Long Night party for the citizens of Colvus.
Setting: The Way in general; mostly top decks and the nearby docks, I'm guessing
Time: Shortly past midnight, the day after the Long Night
Warnings: Partying~!

The longest night of the year was over by a few minutes now, but for Colvus the celebrations were only beginning. )

≠ yuna bellevue, ≠ vash the stampede, ≠ xiao quao, ≠ l lawliet, ≠ rhyme bito, daisukenojo "beat" bito, ≠ nicholas d. wolfwood, mimino kurumi

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smallestgrace December 20 2008, 04:21:03 UTC
A small round stage had been set up, the sound of exotic stringed instruments plucking out a broken up melody. There was too much going on for her to be the center of attention, but Xiao Qiao didn’t mind. No, not at all actually, forever who would watch though, she would dance ( ... )


sugarforteatime December 20 2008, 22:02:38 UTC
L took in most of Xiao's dance, the awkward dance movements somehow managed to match the beat of the music but at the same time not exactly be melodic. He was surprised it was such a draw, but it was nice to see people were enjoying the show.

After the dance, he clapped lightly.

If everyone was going to perform that well, it would not be long before they would be able to get back on their feet in no time.


smallestgrace December 21 2008, 04:47:53 UTC
She didn’t bow, jumped off the stage in one last flip. Her little crowd in the midst of the bigger crowd wasn’t a whole lot but Xiao Qiao danced for herself as much as she danced for her audience.

Ryuzsaki blended in so well, with his dark hair and dark eyes, like a ghoul staring from the night even without a costume. Xiao Qiao hopped over to him cheerfully, “Boo~”

It had been so strange, finding herself on this ship and the events that seemed to all tumble forward at once after. Tumbled so much that she’d seen the captain changed twice. “Busy, busy night isn’t it, Captain?” It was fun and exciting, but a bit lonely as well. Even though she chattered like a lively little bird she hadn’t really made any friends.

Not that she thought talking to their strange new captain would mean befriending him.


sugarforteatime December 21 2008, 06:00:16 UTC
"Yes, it has been. I have made several rounds and seen most of the performances. I am very satisfied." That was, of course, high praise coming from him. He probably should try to be more enthusiastic and vibrant about the whole thing, but mostly he considered Vash to be the smiling face of the Way, not him.

"The dance you performed was quite different from many of the traditional forms of either country. It was surprising." It wasn't often he saw a dance or a cultural display that he wasn't at least passingly familiar with.

"Do you require water or something to eat?" He was doing his best to be a little more aware of the crews' needs.


smallestgrace December 21 2008, 06:19:37 UTC
She laughed lightly at the sort of, kind of, compliment. “Well, you’re probably the kind that has high standards, so that means we’re all doing pretty good!” She tilted her head at him, curious on the surface, critical under that. Would he make a good captain she had to wonder, he was so different from the entire mood of the ship. But Xiao Qiao also knew that there were many aspects to good leadership as her father would tell her whether she had cared to listen or not ( ... )


sugarforteatime December 21 2008, 06:40:07 UTC
"It is sufficient for the task at hand so I suppose that means it is good." He wasn't really one for compliments, unless they were very well deserved. But Xiao Qiao's dance had drawn a nicely sized crowd and they would likely make their way to the food stands. That was the main goal.

This was, in a lot of ways, his first real test as a captain. They would need to prove they were in the business of entertaining people and dig their way out of the debt the ship was in. He thought he was ready.

"It had a uniquely rhythmic quality and was graceful but with more jarring movements." He meant it as a compliment, of a sort. The dance was unique, and unique was not always better, but her execution had been interesting and pleasing. "Passed down through your family? Are you from a more isolated area?"

He should probably know a lot more about his crew, but he was hardly apt at small talk.


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