Characters: Vash, other crew members
Content: Vash has jumped to conclusions and is now convinced that the only solution to Hana and Haruhi's problem... is to marry them himself. The only obstacle is rounding them up to do it.
Setting: All over the Way
Time: After lunch
Warnings: Craziness.
Notes: This log is open to anyone that might be free to
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And then literally ran into Vash. Curse these braces--it made her legs all heavy and crap! She was constantly tripping over her cane or her own feet!
"Oh, sorry!"
He couldn't stop in time to avoid it, and ended up tripping while he was trying to untangle himself from her, the shotgun under his coat making an audible clang! when he hit the ground.
Vash picked himself off the floor with as much dignity as he could muster, "Rikku! Are you okay? Have you seen Hana?"
Rikku scrambled up, collecting her bag of air fresheners. Wow, today was hectic. "Want a donut-scented air freshener?"
"What's going on?"
Vash had noticed the odd smell of the ship, but he had admittedly been too occupied to really pay attention to it. Or to pay attention to the fact that it was everywhere.
He gave Ryoji a wave before telling Rikku, "If you've got donut ones, I'll take twenty!"
Then again, she needed to talk to him too. She wanted to find out how the thing with Ness went.
"Yeah... how is Hana by the way? I heard there was something going on on the journals..."
"Oh, I need to talk to him." Vash's smile got a tiny bit less friendly as he said it. "I'm not sure how he is, but I'll be finding out soon enough."
With that, he stepped around Rikku carefully before starting to walk towards the infirmary again, his steps hasty.
"He's been having some...relationship issues," Rikku vaugely replied to Ryoji as she hobbled after Vash. "But I think everything's worked out."
"I... I don't like that smile of Vash's very much." He said softly, so Vash wouldn't hear.
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