Aftermath [Open]

Nov 30, 2008 04:22

Characters: Hitsugaya Toshirou and anyone who wants to come smack him for losing control of Hyorinmaru ( Read more... )

yuuko ichihara, shinjiro aragaki, ≠ heihachi hayashida, ≠ hitsugaya toshirou, ≠ rangiku matsumoto, ≠ the disreputable dog, ≠ chichiri

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madamnoire November 30 2008, 19:29:07 UTC

"I see you are awake," crooned a feminine voice from somewhere in the room. Over by the sink, a tall woman stood with her back toward the light-haired boy, and then pivoted on one heel, a glass in hand. There was a clear liquid inside. "You have been falling in and out of consciousness for the last little while." Now significantly closer, Yuuko gently set one cool hand against Toshirou's forehead, and then brushed a few wisps of silver away.

"Drink this." She gave him a faint smile. "I promise it's only water."


lilshiro_kun December 1 2008, 00:54:37 UTC
Toshirou glanced up at the voice, lifting his head off the pillow to stare at the tall woman. He eyed the glass uncertainly and jerked his head back away from her hand. The young man had no idea who she was, and certainly didn't want her touching him.

"Why should I?" He asked in a voice rusty from disuse as he glared up at the woman.


haineko_ju December 1 2008, 01:04:35 UTC
After their brief conversation earlier, Rangiku rushed down the halls of the Silvana in search for the infirmary. She knew that Hitsugaya didn't want to talk to her anymore but he honestly doesn't have a choice the matter. Something is wrong with him and the blond wasn't about to let him wander off the ship without giving her a suitable answer.

"Taichou is acting really strange..." Rangiku muttered to herself as she entered the infirmary. "…almost like a completely different person." She sighed as she peeked inside, looking around for that familiar fluff of snow-white hair.

“Oh, there he is.” Just when the blond was about to approach towards his bed, she stopped once she noticed a black haired woman speaking with him. Maybe the other woman is some kind of a doctor or healer...

"Hm." Rangiku stood back and watched them both for moment, unsure if she should interrupt.


madamnoire December 1 2008, 01:13:33 UTC

One slender eyebrow arched upward. "If you're thinking that I'm planning to poison an already wounded person laying in an infirmary bed, you sadly have poor taste in judgement." Her lips set into a line. "I could have dug my fingers into your knife wound instead of stitching it up if I intended to cause you further pain." Once again, Yuuko held out the glass.

"Excessive dehydration will lead you to fainting, and later death, if you don't properly hydrate on a regular basis. Would you like to risk that?"

Sensing Matsumoto's presence, she smiled inwardly, but didn't turn to face the blonde.


lilshiro_kun December 1 2008, 01:35:12 UTC
Toshirou merely narrowed his eyes at the woman. "I don't know why you bothered stitching me up. It would have been better to just leave me." Yes maybe it was stupid to wish for death, but he honestly didn't see what he had to live for anymore. He really didn't have any friends. The few he had, were leaving him, most likely because he couldn't open up and pushed them away. The hurt to think about. Closing his eyes he turned so that his back was to the tall woman.

Things would have been easier if Jushirou had just killed him instead of breaking Hyorinmaru.


haineko_ju December 1 2008, 02:03:39 UTC
After hearing his morbid reply to the other woman, Rangiku decided it would be best for her to break up this moody atmosphere with a little bit of humor. She sauntered right over towards the bed to get a better look at Toshirou. He was nearly covered from head to toe in bandages, heavily fatigued from both the strain he put upon his reiatsu and from the injures he suffered during the skirmish.

"Taichou~!" Rangiku said in a sing-song like voice. "You really should drink your water, Taichou. You might shrivel up like a raisin if you don't." The blond joked as she poked his shoulder lightly.

"Oh, come on! You aren't normally this rude."


madamnoire December 1 2008, 02:17:01 UTC

Allowing the blonde to speak, Yuuko lowered the glass of water to balance it against the mattress with the held of her hand. This boy was some stubborn piece of work. But regardless of this realization, she chuckled despite herself. "Leave you? Yes, I'm sure you would've preferred that. But as one of the doctors on this ship, I'm afraid that option was not available to me. What would the Captain think of me?"

Not like she really cared about what Alex Rowe thought about her.


lilshiro_kun December 1 2008, 02:28:18 UTC
Toshirou was about to reply to the woman that she struck him as the type that didn't seem to care what other people thought about her when he heard that all to familiar voice. "Matsumoto." He said with a slight growl that wasn't as nearly as effective as he would have liked because his voice was weak from not using it.

Glaring up at the big breasted woman, Toshirou asked her a question. "If I drink it will you go away?"


haineko_ju December 1 2008, 02:47:00 UTC
She doubted honestly that the crew of the Silvana would have left Toshirou to die, especially after viewing how so many of them tried desperately to stop him. Rangiku could tell that everyone aboard this ship is really loyal to each other, almost like a large family. She has no idea how long Toshirou been aboard this vessel but she could tell that the boy made some good friends here so far. Rangiku only wished that he would be more receptive of those offering to help him, especially Ukitake.

"Mou~! You are always trying to get rid of me, Taichou!" She replied with a smirk as she glanced over at the woman. A vague sense of 'deja vu' overcame her senses as she gazed the healer but she quickly played that off with one of her charming smiles.

"See, he is always so feisty!"


madamnoire December 1 2008, 03:20:35 UTC

Smiling without a note of humor, the enchantress sent a side glance in Rangiku's direction, but kept most of her attention on the boy. That smile eventually waned. "Feisty or not, stubborn children--" an emphasis on that last word, by the way "--should be appreciative when people come to visit them, especially when they are injured. I am giving you doctor's orders to drink this water, Hitsugaya-kun, and if you disobey them, I will force it down your throat. Do you understand?"

And she wasn't kidding, either.


lilshiro_kun December 1 2008, 04:13:36 UTC
"That's because you're loud." Toshirou said, voice still rough and then he glanced back at the other woman. "I'm not a child!" He snarled then stopped, something in the tall woman's demenor said she would have absolutely no problem forcing him to drink the water.

Toshirou took the glass with no intention of drinking it as he continued to glare at the tall dark haired woman. He wondered if Matsumoto would try to stop him, but he didn't look at his former sensei as he calmly and purposefully emptied the contents of the glass on the floor.


haineko_ju December 1 2008, 04:27:14 UTC
Rangiku blinked her blue eyes for a few moments once Toshirou poured the water out from the cup. It wasn't only the blatant disrespect he showed the healer that bothered her but the complete neglect Toshirou is doing to himself. The woman explained to him that he is probably a little dehydrated now after being in a coma-like state for over a hour or so but he didn't seem to care. In fact, he seemed to be more or less agitated at the idea of anyone trying to help him now. He really didn't want to survive that battle, Toshirou really wished he died.

"Toshirou." The blond's voice was stern now as she spoke to him. "If you are not a child-" Rangiku reached over to snatch the cup out of the boy's hand. "Then stop acting like one!" She shook her head and wandered over towards the nearest water fountain.

"You really should drink some water..."


madamnoire December 1 2008, 05:17:01 UTC

There was no definable expression written on Yuuko's face as she sidestepped to avoid the cascading river of water. If he wanted to paint himself as the boy with a brat complex, that was fine with her. But it was no reason to waste perfectly good water. Did he really wish he'd perished in the fight? Was it ever proper for someone to wish that of themselves? No, this boy wasn't being a brat.

He was being downright thick.

The enchantress stood motionless as Matsumoto fetched another glass of water, and merely stared at the child on the bed. For someone who denied the fact, he certainly looked like one. And he did indeed act like one, as the blonde had so rightly put it. Yuuko lifted her chin.

"Do you think you are doing yourself or your soul any justice by pushing everyone away and acting like you are three?" She paused briefly, and rephrased. "Do you think that just because your Hyourinmaru was destroyed, you cannot find the will to live anymore?"

Something in those scarlet eyes wavered, however unnoticeably.


lilshiro_kun December 1 2008, 05:38:26 UTC
Toshirou opened his mouth to protest and then snapped it shut, eyeing Matsumoto warily. Crossing his arms over his chest he glared at both women.

Now they were talking about his soul, and he looked away not wanting to meet the tall woman's eyes. Yes, he thought he couldn't live without Hyorinmaru. The dragon had been apart of him for as long as he could remember. Even before his powers had manifested, he'd always felt something inside him, something calling out to him.

"It doesn't matter anyway." He said not looking at either of them.


haineko_ju December 1 2008, 05:57:43 UTC
Her throat went dry once she heard the woman mention the Hyorinmaru. She didn't know anything about the people aboard this vessel but she could tell that a good majority of them have strong reiatsu that rival her own. When she joined the battle earlier, she saw a Quincy, two other zanpakuto wielders and a woman who reeked with the eerie fragrance of mana crystals. However, the black-haired woman standing beside the bed now certainly has a more powerful aura than the others she met before. She certainly seemed familiar to Rangiku but the blond couldn't place a name to the woman's face ( ... )


madamnoire December 1 2008, 06:15:19 UTC

The boy's stubborn personality was grating on Yuuko's nerves, but as someone who was finely tuned in the art of dealing with such people, she couldn't find herself getting angry. She couldn't remember when she last got angry. Strange. Casting that all aside, the dark-haired woman couldn't help but let a smile cross her face at Matsumoto's outburst.

"Certainly. Squeeze all the breath out of him, if possible." Gingerly, she took the glass in hand and raised her eyebrow at Hitsugaya, even if he wasn't looking in her direction.


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