Black Raven Pursuer [OPEN]

Nov 25, 2008 00:57

Characters: Alex Rowe, one terrorist NPC, any other members of the Silvana not otherwise occupied
Content: The bomber from the Montague has gotten loose, and Alex is chasing him down.
Setting: Within the bowels of the Silvana
Time: At the same time as Hitsugaya's freakout, so if your character's up on deck helping out with that, he/she probably won't be able to get in on this action.
Warnings: Alex is going to shoot a bitch.

The floor was slippery below Alex's feet, his shoes refusing the grip properly on the ice that now covered everything. Paradoxically, despite all the water covering everything, the air was now arid and dry, like all the water had been sucked out of it, and he was finding it difficult to breathe.

He continued on despite the treacherous conditions, his cloak flying out behind him as he raced through the corridors at unsafe speeds. He knew that the ship was too large for him to search by himself; that even though he knew that the bomber had to be on a deck above him, it would be all-too-possible for them to pass by each other without ever noticing. He knew all this, and ignored it, focusing on the description that Kurosaki had given him, and the fact that a Denouement agent was on his ship.

≠ agrias oaks, ≠ apollo justice, ≠ duo maxwell, ≠ alex rowe

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