Where what is? [Open]

Nov 10, 2008 22:47

Characters: Gorobei, Komachi and whoever decides to come help them.
Content: After hearing a distress call, a few kind-hearted people come to the rescue of one hurt little girl.
Setting: Melior, where most of the city is destroyed due to the Silvana explosions.
Time: Evening
Warnings: Possibly more Komachi-torture...?

Come all without, come all within. )

≠ komachi, ≠ gorobei katayama, ≠ yuna bellevue, ≠ rhyme bito, phoenix wright

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white_hymn November 11 2008, 22:24:45 UTC
"Ah?" Yuna was startled when she heard a call in the distance, the same voice she remembered from earlier. Just when she was about to respond, she heard the voice of another man who was heading right over towards the gift shop nearby. Assuming that this other person was here to help, the brunette rushed right over towards the abandoned store.

Stepping into the shop after the guy, Yuna smiled at Phoenix warily. "Did you hear the message too?" The brunette asked as she held up that glowing mana crystal, using it's eerie glow like a makeshift flashlight. She glanced over her shoulder when she noticed a little blond girl coming towards the shop.

"Oh?" Yuna recognized the girl from the ship but she didn't know her name but she definitely recognized her face. The little girl was probably one of the nurses upon the ship for she remembered seeing Rhyme a few times with Ness within the infirmary whenever she passed by.

"Rhyme?" She called out to Gorobei. "I didn't know anyone else from the Way heard the message." Yuna was definitely glad to see someone from the ship here.


isntthatwright November 11 2008, 23:04:54 UTC
Phoenix nodded at Yuna. "Yes, I did. I'm no doctor, but I thought I might be able to help. Somehow." Although from the looks of things, I'll just be in the way....

Still, he wasn't about to leave now. He'd stick around and do whatever he could.


goromical November 13 2008, 02:54:37 UTC
"Yes!" That had to be Rhyme. Although Gorobei hadn't known the girl for very long, he doubted that many other younger girls were scrounging around in the rubble looking for him and Komachi. "Be careful of some of the glass by the entrance!"

At Komachi's question, Gorobei offered her a small smile, although he was unsure how well she could see it through the darkness of the night. "We're taking shelter in that gift shop you found earlier. I've found a few people willing to help you out, they're just outside now."

As the volunteers started to come closer to the shop, Gorobei held Komachi a bit tighter in reassurance. "These are good people," he promised Komachi, although he trying to settle his own fears with those words just as much.


reaperbait November 13 2008, 18:25:15 UTC
"Hi." Rhyme waved at Yuna and Phoenix. She recognized Yuna of course, from around the ship, but she had no idea who Phoenix was. Both of them looked and said they were here to help, though, so that was meant she could trust them.

She heard Gorobei's voice. She didn't know him very well at all - she'd only been on the ship for a week or two at the outside - but she was pretty sure that was him. She scrounged her way through he glass.

Gorobei's leg was bloody, but the blood seemed to be more caked on, the girl whoever, her whole arm was bloody and it looked far more recent and fresh.

"Are you alright?" She looked at the little girl, worried. The started to open up her medical bag. Of course she wasn't alright, but calm patients were better patients. "I'm Rhyme and I'm here to help you." Even though she was really nervous, she put on a cheerful face for her patient.


white_hymn November 14 2008, 03:35:32 UTC
She smiled at Rhyme slightly before glancing over towards the injured pair. It was rather dark out and with power knocked out in this section of town, Yuna knew she would have to rely on her mana stone to provide more light. "Here..." Yuna shrugged off her purse and handed it to Phoenix. "Hold on this, alright?" Her bag must have felt a little heavy since she packed it to the brim with bandages and antiseptic. She also had two other mana crystals lurking in there, just in case the energy within the one she is using now happens to die out.

Kneeling down next to Rhyme, Yuna sat the mana crystal down and allowed it's glow to illuminate the dark room.

"Hey, what's your name?" The brunette asked once she glanced over to Phoenix again with a bright smile. She could tell he was little nervous about being here but she was glad that someone else came to the aid of this man and what she assumed to be his daughter.

"We might need your help getting them out of here. It's not safe to be in this area."


isntthatwright November 14 2008, 16:08:30 UTC
"A-all right," Phoenix replied, taking hold of it in both hands. What's she got in here, rocks? he wondered. It was a relief, though, to find that some real doctors had answered the call. He'd do anything he could to help, and right now, that meant following instructions.

He nodded. "I'll do all I can."


komachibi November 15 2008, 02:00:23 UTC
At the sight of the strangers entering the shop, Komachi tensed slightly, leaning close against the comforting bulk of Gorobei's body.

She nodded nervously in answer to Rhyme's question, half turning her head to face the older girl, but keeping the rest of her body pressed close against Gorobei. Biting her lip, she managed a feeble smile to match Rhyme's. "I'm okay," she lied in the bravest voice she could muster, though the blood on her arm and clothes and the tearstreaks on her cheeks clearly gave that the lie.


goromical November 15 2008, 04:52:06 UTC
"It's okay," Gorobei assured. It was obvious that Komachi wasn't going to snap back to her normally happy self no matter how much he told her things were going to be okay. The words came out instinctively anyway; it was the only thing Gorobei could think of to help the situation.

Eyeing the mana crystal cautiously, he asked, "What's that going to do to help?" Growing up in a farming community had made the man paranoid about anything magical. He didn't trust these people much, maybe Rhyme a bit more than the complete strangers, and if one of them happened to be some kind of super-powered mage, he wouldn't hesitate to cut them down and run for it.

Phoenix, who seemed to be a bit nervous, was making Gorobei nervous too. "Were there a lot of people out there? Anyone trying to fix this mess? People salvaging the abandoned stores for valuables?"


reaperbait November 15 2008, 06:37:00 UTC
Rhyme pulled out bandages, iodine and alcohol to clean the wound. "Will you please let me see your hand?" She asked the girl, trying to be as comforting as possible she started to clean the wound and inspect it.

She did look back at the mana crystal. "Well, it's good for light, or if I get really tired Mr. Gorobei."

She didn't know anything else, and to be honest she was much more focused on Komachi than anything else. She needed to get a better look at what was wrong before she could decide if they needed to go back to the Way or not.


white_hymn November 15 2008, 07:19:17 UTC
Yuna chuckled lightly at the samurai's question knowing all too well that some people just do not trust in the supernatural. She thought it would be best to set down the mana stones around and about within the abandoned shop. The better the lighting, the better Rhyme can assist Little Komachi who seems so frightened by their presence alone. If Rhyme needed her her help, Yuna would surely patch up any scratches and minor scraps with healing magicks.

"Do not worry, sir!" The brunette said towards Gorobei with such a sweet smile. "I'm just making sure we have enough light to see..." She trailed off for a moment, her bi-colored eyes focusing upon what Gorobei's wounded leg.

"How badly were you injured...?" Yuna asked as she approached him. She knelt down next to the samurai, trying to tell if the blood was his own or not.

"You two must have been trapped here during the fire fight between the Silvana and those machines, am I right?"


komachibi November 15 2008, 20:52:47 UTC
Komachi nodded and held out her arm to Rhyme. She bit her lip, a little worried that whatever Rhyme was going to do would hurt.

She stared at the glowing mana crystals with wide eyes. While she had a little of the same nervousness about magic as Gorobei, that was overridden by fascination with the strange shiny things. She wondered exactly what sort of strange people it was that Gorobei had got to come and help them.


isntthatwright November 17 2008, 18:07:09 UTC
He gave a sympathetic wince. They got caught in THAT? Geez... He wished he could do more to help, but he'd just stand by and hold the bag for now. "You're going to be all right," he said to the little girl in what he hoped was a soothing tone.


goromical November 17 2008, 22:33:36 UTC
A slight shiver made its way up Gorobei's spine as the woman leaned to check out the cut on his leg. He never enjoyed the feeling of being scrutinized. "You don't have to worry about that." At least, he didn't think it was a problem. There was no way he was going to assess the damage himself, and the cut had stopped hurting a long time ago. Then again, Gorobei was very good at forgetting things, especially pain.

"The Silvana?" Gorobei had no idea. There had been no time for him to keep track of information on the network as they ran for their lives through Melior. "I guess we must have." The Silvana had blasted all those little spiders to kingdom-come, so Gorobei had to wonder how they had been spared. "We actually found a house where the spiders wouldn't go anywhere near."

He was a little unsure about telling these strangers their problems, but it did seem like they were only there to help. "That house is the reason I asked for magicians to help us." He didn't want to go into detail for fear of proving just how ignorant he was with magic, so he left that statement at that.


reaperbait November 17 2008, 22:42:42 UTC
Rhyme cleaned off the blood around Komachi's arm. There was quite a lot and blood and it took a while to figure out where the cuts were and the blood was. She finally located the major source of all the bleeding, Komachi's wrist, and squinted to see -- a discoloration or something among the blood.

"Did someone do magic on this?" She had to admit she was ignorant of the lengths and depths of what someone could do with magic, but she closed her eyes to see what she could feel.

It felt a little wrong but she waited until she could get the full sense of it.


white_hymn November 18 2008, 00:22:53 UTC
A little frown appeared on the brunette's face at Gorobei's reply but she decided not to pester him too much. She had a sinking feeling that this man isn't very fond of magick or of the mana crystals she placed among the floor. Therefore, to ease his nervousness Yuna sat down next to him and tried to start up some idle conversation.

"Magicians, huh? I am actually not a magician but...I am a mage instead." She said to Gorobei with a smile before glancing over at Rhyme and Komachi with a rather worried gaze. "Or rather I was a mage, I guess old habits die hard." Even though she has been training to become a gunner, Yuna still kept her notes and mana crystals from the days when she used to be a summoner.

"Hm?" Her eyebrows arched a bit as she watched Rhyme, wondering secretly what kind of mage this girl is.


komachibi November 18 2008, 00:40:22 UTC
Komachi blinked back tears as Rhyme started cleaning her arm - it stung horribly, and Rhyme kept touching the cuts and making them throb painfully.
She shook her head at Rhyme's question, then changed it into a nod, then back again..."I don't know what she did!" Her voice came out shriller than usual, both with fear at the memory of what had happened, and with the effort of keeping herself from just crying.


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