Characters: Doumeki, Watanuki, any of several crewmembers who may be spying.
Content: Doumeki and Watanuki, having been cast as romantic opposites in a play neither of them volunteered for, drown their sorrows together. And there is flailing and stoicness. AND QUITE POSSIBLY SPYING.
Setting: The WW galley
Time: Shortly after their respective "OH SHIT WE GOT CAST" posts.
Warnings: Booze, Watanuki, Doumeki and Watanuki in the same room. Saves quite a list, I think.
Watanuki sighed and shut his journal with a snap. He was nearly hoarse from bellowing into it at the idiots who couldn't get enough of laughing at his misfortune. It was like being on a ship filled with Yuukos, and that was just scary. Every time Watanuki glanced at the script lying innocuously on the galley table beside him, he gave an involuntary shudder. A DRESS. WHY?
With a long-suffering sigh, he stood and went to the liquor cabinet, retrieving a bottle of the least disgusting-looking stuff he could find among the remnants from the fair. He wasn't in the habit of drinking; he could pair any wine with five different foods, but he had almost nothing in the way of a palate himself. But tonight... he really just wanted to forget about things, like Yuuko had always seemed to when she'd had enough of this kind of stuff.
Besides. Doumeki was coming. And Watanuki was in a strangling mood.