Taking over a ship, one cook at a time. [Closed // Complete]

Oct 14, 2008 08:06

Characters: Gin Ichimaru and Shinjiro Aragaki
Content: Gin's contacts have given him some insight into Aragaki's recent strange behavior, and as a kind and caring crew mate he goes to comfort him. Or not.
Setting: Shinjiro's room - Silvana
Time: While docked in Melior
Warnings: Scheming by Gin, swearing by Shinjiro

Gin was a man not often taken by surprise. He'd seen too much, even in his short life, and whatever had remained in his teenagers had been patiently trained out of him by a man who could show him every imaginable horror with a flick of his fingers.

So what his contacts in Kropmork had managed to dig up about Aragaki did not actually surprise him in the true sense of the word. Rather, he felt the sort of pleased anticipation that came when an unexpected gift was planted in your lap. True, he'd been having plenty of fun keeping Aragaki off-balance and taunting him across the network, but he hadn't thought to actually include the cook in any of his plans.

That was definitely about to change.

He was practically humming to himself as he made his way to Aragaki's room and rapping smartly on the door.

≠ gin ichimaru, shinjiro aragaki

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