Dec 01, 2007 05:37

Past the large coral wall, the forest becomes dense and hard to navigate. Plants thrive in the untouched area and a variety of vines wrap and coil themselves around the trees, often obstructing any feasible pathway. A few noises can be heard here, sounding much like insects such as crickets, though far louder and sharper in tone. The sunlight filters through the canopy overhead, leaving spots where the plant-life has obviously grown and leaned toward, making a few larger than others.

Stones are scattered over this area, and most are covered in moss and hard to see from a distance. Underneath, one can find many insects living, most of which are hard-shelled beetles that feed on the undergrowth.

manfred von karma, thread, ≠ yamamoto takeshi, ≠ teocuitlatl, ≠ yurika doujima

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