I am the fountain of affection...I am the instrument of joy

Sep 26, 2008 22:19

Characters: The Crew of the Silvana
Content: Jushirou and Quatre (possibly others) perform for the crew, whom are encouraged to dance and mingle, as a form of stress relief from all the bad news lately
Place: Top deck of the Silvana
Rating: PG
Warnings: None

To keep the good times rolling...I'm your boy, I'm your boy )

≠ quatre raberba winner, ≠ jet enduro, ≠ gaignun kukai jr., ≠ susan ivanova, ≠ fran, ≠ duo maxwell, ≠ trowa barton, ≠ kiros seagill, ≠ mystearica aura fende, ≠ jushirou ukitake, ≠ ikkaku madarame

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who_said_bald September 27 2008, 03:34:27 UTC
Ikkaku, a regular on the Silvana's top-most deck, had already been up and about when his colleague had to decided to make good on his promise to bring a little music to the crew in hopes of lifting their spirits. Ikkaku normally didn't enjoy it when others interrupted his time to enjoy the view of the world below the Silvana's great heights, and had immediately turned to stare crossly at the intruders, but after identifying the primary culprit, he relaxed, sighed, then sat himself down with his back against the railing. No matter how much he liked his time alone, there would be no disuading Jushirou, especially while he held that pesky fiddle in his hands.

The music began, and Ikkaku had decided to stay and enjoy it. Neatly folding his hands behind his head, he slouched against the rails and closed his eyes, crossing one leg over the other comfortably. He made for a rather odd, sight, though, considering the sheathed sword laying neatly across his lap.

"That's nice, but don't expect me to get up and dance, stupid!" he called out teasingly.


veryniceborders September 29 2008, 00:52:04 UTC
Susan decided that having Jushirou back on board and having a little impromptu party was the perfect opportunity to let her hair down again - literally and metaphorically. Some days it was hard to get such a unique and diverse crew to respect you when you showed your softer side, so it was something she shared sparingly.

She was still in her uniform, but she had undone her tight ponytail and wandered up to the top deck to at least soak in the music. Madarame was sitting on the deck, eyes closed and slouched. Maybe he'd be good for a few moment's peace. She slid down the railing and sat holding onto her knees lightly.

"Nice night for a party, Madarame?"


who_said_bald September 29 2008, 01:19:43 UTC
Ikkaku, looking perfectly content, his eyes still softly shut, replied quickly without even thinking about who he was talking with. "Any night's nice for a pa-Ivanova!?" he suddenly exclaimed, his eyelids shooting open. Gasping, he looked positively panicked for a moment, like he had just woken up from a bad dream. "XO, you scared me..."

Settling himself again, he let out a deep breath, then couldn't help but chuckle a little. "Ahh, sorry, XO. Didn't mean that you're scary, just that I didn't expect you to join us."


veryniceborders September 29 2008, 01:33:23 UTC
Susan chuckled, good-natured about the whole thing. She wasn't upset by the boatswain's outburst either, it was actually amusing.

"No, I suppose I don't usually join in, but I felt the need for some music." Really she felt like socializing with someone other than the Captain. Alex was not a social man, and she did need a few people she could talk to.

"Perhaps I'm just in a good mood today." He might not believe her, but it was probably the truth. She didn't really want to mix business with fun, but she did need a brief on the docking situation. "I heard loading up our cargo didn't go as planned."


who_said_bald September 29 2008, 01:53:29 UTC
Ikkaku grinned faintly, easing himself back down into his comfy little place against the rail after having bolted upright from the earlier shock. "Yeah, we don't get this kind of opportunity all that often, so it's best to relax a little when we've got the time."

Shifting his attention away from the fesitivies for the moment, he suddenly felt the need to sit up again, his back straightening as he addressed Ivanova. Though the party was informal, Ikkaku still felt the need to treat his first mate with a bit more formality. "Ehhh, yeah, we had a minor incident with some of the workers."

Hopefully, he could downplay losing his temper as much as possible.

"We just finished loading everything up when an organized group of the dock workers confronted us," Ikkaku began, folding his legs neatly beneath him. "They pretty much told us that they weren't going to let us leave. Said we weren't supporting their cause by doing things behind their back." He paused, rubbing the back of his neck gingerly. "When we finally convinced them that we had to leave, the crowd got a little rowdy. Someone even tossed a bottle that just about knocked Ms. Tear right out."


veryniceborders September 29 2008, 02:07:57 UTC
"Well, as long as no one was hurt. Tensions are running high since the bombings. I wouldn't be surprised if the military or the government wasn't putting pressure on the dock workers."

Goddamn Denouement were getting better at this rabble-rousing and it was getting harder and harder for the two countries to back down without looking foolish.

"I assume you handled the situation with grace and tact?" Her voice was a little sarcastic but humorous, she already had a good idea that Madarame wouldn't have taken it well, but as long as he hadn't taken a swing she wasn't going to make a fuss.


who_said_bald September 29 2008, 02:19:27 UTC
Pursing his lips thoughtfully, Ikkaku rocked his head off to one side, seemingly considering Ivanova's remark. "Eh, you think so? I wouldn't think a bunch of roughneck dock workers would really care what the suits say, but I guess that kind of pressure can trickle down."

More talk of politics. Ikkaku generally tended to tune that kind of thing out, but he could certainly understand the plight of the working class.

Doing his best not to seem evasive, Ikkaku nodded lightly and looked aside. "Well, since Tear was alright, we just moved back inside the hold before they could pelt us with anything else."


veryniceborders September 29 2008, 02:39:19 UTC
"That's good." She slumped back herself, not closing her eyes but just taking in the atmosphere for a little while, hopefully between the two of them she wouldn't have to deal with anyone else harassing her tonight.

"Keep yourself ready, with the news of the bombings means we'll need to be prepared for anything. But for tonight, try to enjoy yourself."

You never knew when the next crisis would be on hand.


who_said_bald September 29 2008, 03:04:14 UTC
Ikkaku let out a warm laugh, then began to relax again as well. Seeing Ivanova like this was a bit of a rare treat. She usually kept up a strong front of being untouchably professional, so a night like this, where she took the time to ease out of her role as the First Mate, must have been incredibly refreshing for her. He could hardly think any less of her for it, though; she commanded so much respect from him that even showing her human side wouldn't change his opinion.

"Ah, XO, I'm always ready," he replied jokingly, casually shrugging his shoulders. "You should enjoy yourself too! Have a drink with me, eh?"


veryniceborders September 29 2008, 04:01:34 UTC
She was tempted by the offer. She tended not to open up to the junior crew members, but Madarame was a quartermaster, there wasn't much harm, she shared a drink with Jushirou from time to time.

Besides, if it got him less jumpy around her, all the better.

"I think we could manage some drinks."


who_said_bald September 30 2008, 00:45:00 UTC
Ikkaku, his eager expressions lighting up like a lantern, laughed warmly. He honestly hadn't expected Ivanova to accept his offer, as she had normally been too busy in times past to spend a lot of time with anyone in particular. "Great. You and me haven't had a chance to talk for a while!" he replied lightly. Before she could say anything in her defense, though, Ikkaku raised a hand, softly shaking his head. "Don't worry, don't worry, we're both busy people; you more than anybody."

Rising up to his feet, Ikkaku lifted the sheathed sword out of his lap and tucked the scabbard safely in the sash around his waist. "Here, lemme go down to the kitchen and grab a few things for everybody. Tell me what you want, and I'll be back in just a bit."


veryniceborders September 30 2008, 01:12:05 UTC
Susan was actually looking forward to a drink and a few minutes of peace to have an actual conversation. Although she was tempted by the possibility of a stiff drink she decided to keep her propriety and save the 'special tea' for Jushirou and - if her sources were correct - Miles would be in Melior when the Silvana arrived.

"Just some coffee or juice." She did give Madarame a smile though. "Thank you."

She eased back against the ships rail and just waited. She kicked her feet up and just took in the stars.


who_said_bald October 3 2008, 01:14:14 UTC
It only a took a few quiet moments for Ikkaku to return; no doubt, Ivanova was waiting patiently, with the music and the view off the deck to keep her company. In his hands, he carried one cup of coffee, carefully placed in the center of a small dish, as well as what could only be described as a small, hardened gourd, containing who-knows-what. He even went so far as to bow rather graciously as he returned and extend the cup to her, the warmth of the coffee inside sending up a gentle plume of steam into the crisp evening air.

"Here you go, XO. Enjoy it in good health," he said with a grin. "So...is Melior our destination for any other reason besides fuel?"


veryniceborders October 3 2008, 01:57:14 UTC
Susan took the cup and gave it a long smell, not because she expected anything to be amiss, but just because she loved the smell. Unfortunately it was made from coffee grounds because no one on the crew had the inclination to keep beans around.

She took a long sip and it was truly wonderful. "Thank you Madarame. Melior is just for fueling. After that, our major concern is to look into these bombings. We need more information. Beyond that, as always, we go where the Captain commands."

There wasn't a drop of bitterness in her voice, just the determination that they would do whatever was necessary and that Alex was in charge.


who_said_bald October 3 2008, 02:28:58 UTC
After taking a deep draw from the sloshing liquid inside the gourd, his palm wrapped tightly around the narrow neck of the bottle-like container, Ikkaku let out a sharp sigh and let his gaze wander off into the horizon. He was clearly glad to be rid of this toxic city, off to bigger and better things; Abantaire offered him very little, especially since he had not been allowed off the ship to search for someone strong to clash with.

As always, Ivanova was succinct with her replies, putting duty above all else. Ikkaku nodded, watching her as she intently enjoyed the warming scent of the coffee. "I know, captain's orders...but yeah, is there anything in Melior about all this bombing stuff? Someone we're looking for?"


veryniceborders October 3 2008, 03:34:45 UTC
She wished she knew if there was something in Melior that would get them more information about the bombings, but right now they would have to wait and see.

"Not that I know of. Eyes and ears open as always, but we are going to have to wait and see how the orders come down."

She took another, much longer drink of her coffee. "The tensions with the dock workers are likely a result of the attack as well. Several of the ships were in port when they were damaged, who better to blame than the men and women who load the ships?"

It was frustrating but true, especially when they were somewhere like Abantiare where there were very few other good jobs to be had.

"What do you think of the new crew members?" She wanted an honest assessment, he might not be a boatswain but he was in charge of a lot of people.


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