Characters: Jade Curtiss, any Victoria II crew who were injured in zombie shindigs, or any volunteer healer-types who feel like getting ordered around.
Content: Doctory things - no dissections, I promise 83
Setting: The medical quarters, which are shockingly unspecific in size and patient capacity, thus precisely as large as they need to be~
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And while Bidoof was clueless about X-rays, Garfield did now what they do - he had stayed in an animal clinic for a time and being around the streets for so long, information such as this wasn't very hard to understand after a while. "It simply looks at yourrrr bones," the feline purred out, "to check if therrrre's anything wrrrong or frractured, as the fine doctorrr mentioned." He paused to cast a concerned glance at the hurt paw, "And I wouldn't be surrrprrrised to find that paw of yourrrs in a bad state, given how harrrd the firrrst mate stepped on it." Really, that human needed to learn how to be more respectful. At least the doctor was alright.
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