You see the stars are moving so slowly [Closed, Complete]

Sep 17, 2008 18:36

Characters: Noriaki Kakyoin, Jotaro Kujo
Content: Jotaro is finally cleared to leave the infirmary and Kakyoin promised him cigarettes and booze when he got out. Kakyoin delivers on this promise. (now with 100% less redundancy!)
Setting: Streets of Trewe (and a bar or three)
Time: Evening
Warnings: PG-13

But still the earth is moving so fast )

≠ noriaki kakyoin, ≠ jotaro kujo

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yareyaredaze September 18 2008, 00:20:01 UTC
Jotaro was a free man once more and BOY DID THAT FEEL FUCKING FANTASTIC. The giant teen was practically dancing his way down the port walk to meet Kakyoin, dressed in his now repaired coat (had Kakyoin done that? Jotaro wasn't likely to ask...). Drinks, cigarettes, and good company were all that was on the lad's mind and his face, for once in a LONG while, reflected his happiness.

"Oi, Kakyoin, let's find ourselves a good joint, ya? Good drinks, good music, you know," he remarked, still smiling and feeling like a million bucks.


rerorerorero September 18 2008, 00:30:43 UTC
Kakyoin smiled broadly as Jotaro came into view. The first thing offered was not words, but a cigarette and a book of matches. He was beyond grateful to see his friend in such great spirits and amazed to see the smile on his face. It was so different from his usual wall faced routine.

"Thought you'd appreciate this."


yareyaredaze September 18 2008, 02:05:57 UTC
Jotaro immediately stuck the cigarette into his mouth and struck a match to light it. A few gracious puffs later and he enthusiastically wrapped an arm about Kakyoin's shoulders and gave the other young man a MANLY hug, squeezing the life out of him.

"You're a fucking angel, Kakyoin. Now let's get drunk."


rerorerorero September 18 2008, 02:11:06 UTC
Kakyoin could really only make a couple of strangled grunting noises and weakly return the hug. He laughed and took in a deep breath as he was finally released. He gave a brief cough before standing back upright.

"Er, thanks. I think. Let's go," he replied, the smile still on his face as he turned towards the exit.


yareyaredaze September 18 2008, 04:11:40 UTC
Jotaro pointed proudly in the direction of the sailors district, hoping they'd fine some action this day. He'd been cooped up for so long that he was damn desperate for any kind of action. And the fact that it was all Kakyoin's treat just sweetened the deal.


rerorerorero September 18 2008, 04:16:17 UTC
Amused more than anything at how Jotaro was acting, Kakyoin led the way. He felt in his pockets and found the pack of cigarettes that had been hiding there.

"Here are the rest, by the way," he said, holding them out as he continued to walk.

It was nice to be off the ship for once and in somewhat fresh air. The ground was nice to walk to on and it wasn't moving. While he didn't get airsick, the constant movement got on his nerves; it tended to fuck up his paintings, more often that not.

He inhaled deeply and let out a pleased sigh as they finally made it into the district. Bars lined the street to pick a good one.

"You're more of a drinker than I am, Jojo. Pick one that looks good to you."


yareyaredaze September 18 2008, 04:59:35 UTC
Jotaro figured on the possibilities for a moment. He didn't want a place that was too crowded. He hated people. But he also didn't want a place that was dead, as that often meant the drinks were terrible. To find a happy medium was perhaps best...and maybe even a place where he could hear some good music.

There seemed to come the sound of a trumpet player from one of the bars...a bluesy soulful tune. There were other horns as well. Silently, he pointed in that direction and began walking.


rerorerorero September 18 2008, 05:05:35 UTC
Kakyoin, too, heard the music and walked silently next to Jotaro. It had been awhile since he'd listened to any music, aside from the occasional drunken shipmate. That sort of music he could do without, no matter how funny it was at times.

The door to the bar was open and no one guarding it; not like many places cared how old the patrons were, so long as they were capable of paying. It was a dimly lit, smoky place, the sounds of people talking amongst themselves a dull drone underneath the overpowering sound of the blues music.

Now for the harder choice...a seat at the bar or one of the nice leather booths lining the walls. Again, Kakyoin would let Jotaro decide that. He looked up to him with the briefest of smiles. The two were good at reading each other; words were meaningless most of the time.


yareyaredaze September 18 2008, 07:06:21 UTC
Jotaro opted for a booth, still not wanting to deal with many other patrons. Sitting at the bar was a sure ticket to a conversation half the time and that was something he didn't want. All he wanted was a good drink, a good smoke, some good music, and his good friend. That was paradise to him right now after the hell of his infirmary imprisonment. Even the juvenile jails back home weren't that bad...then again they usually let Jotaro do whatever the fuck he wanted to. Penelo was a hell of a lot more insistent...

He ordered two beers for himself silently, and allowed Kakyoin to make his selection as the barmaid approached them.


rerorerorero September 18 2008, 07:16:55 UTC
Kakyoin had given a lot of thought to this night. Knowing Jotaro as few other people did, he knew what the hulk of a boy would appreciate. However, he had given no thought to what he wanted to order and took a moment to decide. He ended up ordering a lighter beer for himself and leaned back against the soft leather of the booth.

"It's...odd to see you actually show your emotions on your face, you know that?" he remarked casually, resting one arm on the table.


yareyaredaze September 19 2008, 05:29:45 UTC
"Yeah, well...comas will do that to you," Jotaro remarked, leaning back and letting out a heavy sigh as he let the atmosphere sink in. It was a good place...glad he had chosen in. He popped a cigarette into his mouth and lit up with a flash of the wrist, taking a long drag (he had already finished the one from earlier).

"Like I said, I needed this."


rerorerorero September 19 2008, 05:37:36 UTC
Kakyoin gave him a soft smile which broadened when the girl returned with their drinks. He decided to open a tab instead of paying drink by drink. He took his beer and took a small sip.

"Yeah, I can imagine. I needed to get out, too...Cabin fever and all that, you know? I couldn't stand looking at the walls of the ship anymore."


yareyaredaze September 20 2008, 16:38:34 UTC
Jotaro immediately took to his drink, downing at least half of the first one in a single go of it. A mighty belch and he took care of the other half, letting out a satisfied sigh as he placed it back on the table and capped off the other one. This...was going to be the flavor of the night, apparently.

Several moments and drinks later, after Jotaro had switched from beer to whiskey sours, it was clear that the larger teen had finally had enough to put him clearly in the GONE zone. His eyes were glazed over and his cheeks flushed. And he indicated, poorly, to Kakyoin that he was ready to head back to the ship now.


rerorerorero September 20 2008, 16:42:52 UTC
Kakyoin could only peek over on the occasion to see how much Jotaro had consumed. Well, there went any extra cash he had...It was well spent, in his mind.

Unlike his friend, Kakyoin had only had a beer and a whiskey sour over the time they'd spent at the bar. He was well in control of his mental faculties...He knew he had to be because Jotaro wouldn't.

After paying the hefty tab, Kakyoin rose from the booth.

"Can you walk by yourself?"


yareyaredaze September 20 2008, 17:45:54 UTC
Jotaro rose a finger as if to command Kakyoin to hold his thought. After a pause, he attempted to lift himself out of the booth and stand completely straight...attempted at least. A bit of wobbling and he found himself want to timber over onto Kakyoin. He didn't. But he wanted to. Mostly because the fucking bar decided, at that moment, to spin.

He gave a silent thumbs up indicating that he was good to go.


rerorerorero September 20 2008, 17:48:55 UTC
Kakyoin kept a weary eye on Jotaro, sighing inwardly. Not trusting the drunk boy's judgement, he slipped an arm around his waist to help support him.

"Just put your arm over my shoulder and walking will be easier."

Slowly, far too slowly for Kakyoin's taste, they walked out of the bar. The redhead looked more and more annoyed by the moment. He shouldn't be mad at Jotaro, god no; this was his OWN fault for offering to buy drinks. So long as Jotaro kept his silence, things would be just fine.


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