State of the Game Address

Mar 03, 2011 01:33

Hello, TST! We understand that a lot of things have been happening in the game as we move towards the end, so we've put together a summary of recent events to clear up any confusion. It will cover all the events related to the current overarching plot. If you have any more questions, feel free to reply to this post or contact one of us.

After leaving Antrim, the Convoy spent some time relaxing in Licere. Unfortunately, the visit was cut short when the hot springs suddenly turned cold, dropping to room temperature. Shortly after, a mysterious young woman named Jade contacted the Convoy, claiming her friends had been kidnapped and asking for help getting them back. She began to track her companions magically.

Meanwhile, Serenity, having made quite a few enemies in the Wang incident, needed a quick job with no questions asked. Low Key hooked them up with what appeared to be a simple cargo shipment job, taking what the scientists claimed to be "an advancement in transportation technology" from Trewe to Bydan. During this trip, the cargo started behaving very strangely, moving around on its own and making death threats. Upon closer inspection of this cargo, it was revealed that it was not any kind of vehicle, but a giant humanoid clank that bore a rather unsettling resemblance to Optimus Prime. Mal questioned Low Key, who was evasive.

Back in Licere with the Convoy: when Jade finally located her friends, she quickly realized that something very bad was happening at the sites where her friends were being held: energy buildups that seem to be leading to some sort of explosion. Sam has information on both the satyrs who are holding the captives and the significance of the captives' locations: all but the one in Nahk run along a transcontinental fault line. Explosions along this fault line would be a very bad thing indeed. There is discussion about how to do this. Here are details about the locations.

In the meantime, Shuuhei told Rikku about the moving parts. Rikku told Prime, and in his post explaining his plan to send a plane full of rescuers to Nahk and take the main ship to the Rahki River captive-location, he contacts Mal about the cargo Rikku told him about. Prime told Mal that Serenity's employers can only be Denouement, and that in a huge twist no one could have predicted Low Key lied to them. The clank is probably a weapon, and Mal is not cool with this; not because it's a weapon so much it's a weapon they didn't know about. In addition, when Prime lets slip that there are imminent explosions that could cause the biggest cloudquake in Reial history, Mal agrees to send a few crew members to scout the Bydan location, since Serenity was in the area anyway, and gives orders for the clank cargo to be disassembled and salvaged for parts. He also asks anyone with information about Denouement to come forward. Hacking and looking for more info on Denouement or Lyesmith is encouraged. Comprehensive post regarding orders to Serenity's crew is here.

Currently, the Convoy is rescuing the captive near the Rahki River. The ship itself is parked on the other side of the Xialknot Pass of the Badlands Mountains, near Grita's castle for those who remember it. On Serenity, Low Key is being forcibly interrogated. Finally, the Amestris, fresh from the resolution of its art show plot, is headed for a diplomatic conference in Shashta. As stated in Bradley's post and the news article, representatives from all the nations, including Erealia, will be speaking with members of the Badlands Unification Movement. However, things are not quite that simple: there are other things going on. Each nation has its own agenda, and there are unsavory rumors going around about Captain Bradley. The characters are free to snoop around and look into what all the nations are doing, snoop into Bradley's business, or do more traditional Badlands pastimes like start barfights or hunt monsters.

We have one more event planned for the game after these plots wrap up. Taking that and our current pace into account, the game should come to an end sometime in April, rather than March as originally projected. This is also an estimate, however, and may be subject to change. This game's not over yet, folks, so keep your eyes open for new developments.


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