Jun 27, 2006 17:12
I can not believe that anyone would not understand the concept that people change. Are you the same person you were when you were 15? NO…you probably aren’t even the same person you were a month ago. Your environment is always changing and things are constantly influencing you whether you like it or not. It is idealistic to think that you are unaffected and never changing. It’s called maturation. People grow and sometimes are lucky enough to grow with others and sometimes it’s just not in the cards. Think about people who get divorced I am sure a high percentage of the reasoning behind divorced are that them or their spouse grew apart. The key word is GROW. Everything grows and with growth comes change. It is foolish to think that the mind does not grow and change as well as the body. To argue that we all stay the same is pure stupidity and ignorance. I rest my case.