Jun 13, 2004 19:56
Just back from a family reunion with Robert's family in Baton Rougue. Had a great time. Mark let us crash at his place, much thanks. He even made us breakfast two mornings in a row, served of course with a side of smart-ass.
First night in Baton Rouge went out to some campus bars around LSU. Some drunk dude made me spill half my cosmopolitan on myself.
Toured a couple of plantation homes in the area. We had a list of like 10, but the humidity and heat got the best of us.
The reunion was at Robert's cousin's place. It's a kick-@ss renoved early 1900's farm house. Tres quaint. It's listed with the state as a historic structure. Crawfish were great, and humongous. Saw lots of family. Met lots of new family I'd never met before. Karl brought his girlfriend, whom everyone was eager to meet cuz she's a cheerleader for the Saints.