Gen Fic

May 24, 2006 16:51

Title: History
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Characters: Buffy and Xander
Word Count: 1,359
Rating: FR-G
Disclaimer: All belongs to Lord God Joss.
Author's Notes: Response to a challnge:

Canon Shmanon

Throughout the Whedonverse we all have what we call canon ships, which are pairing of couples that really happened (i.e Buffy/Angel, Xander/Anya, Tara/Willow) Now, I want you to take what we call canon...and destroy it.Choose a ship that never happened in the Jossverse and make it happen. Make it realistic and not just random. Come up with a realistic way the ship could happen even if it is a really weird or bizzare one.

Xander smiled across the kitchen island as he and Buffy waited for Dawn to come back. The cell phone had gone over considerably well and resulted in a mad dash back upstairs by the youngest Summers. She apparently had to fetch her address book and start transferring numbers immediately. It was moments like this that he really lived for. These were the moments when monsters weren’t breaking in all the windows trying to kill them, or vampires were plotting to resurrect Vlad Kyamvir whatever for the thousandth time, or, hell, when it wasn’t even raining. It was just a morning. A nice, sunny morning in one of the only places he’d ever felt at home in his entire life, talking with the woman he was so proud to call his friend.

There was a moment of back peddle as Xander thought to himself, “True…Dawnie is about to enter into the center of Hell itself, but if we could survive it with no preparation at all, I’m sure the kid will be fine.”

“Well, that went even better than I thought. And I had anticipated a pretty high success rate on that one.” Buffy flashed her perkiest smile towards Xander and he returned it gladly.

They’d been through so much together. So many nights when he’d been so certain he was going to die, he’d put his faith in her, and that had been enough to get him through. That’s how it had been since the moment he’d met her, and it was still true. Even when it wasn’t a life or death situation, he thought of her to get through his problems.

“Xander, you okay?” she asked, sounding incredulous and smiling sideways at him. “Your eyes are all misty and trust me, I’ve seen enough little girl drama to know the look.”

Xander smiled wide. “Well, far be it for me to let my little girl side show.”

Buffy cocked her head sideways, giving him that look which always made him feel like she could see right through him. Her eyes were squinted as she peered at him and her mouth formed a little bow of concern. “Worried about Dawn?”

“A little,” he admitted. “Mostly…well it’s kind of a milestone for us, Buff,” he said with a little shrug. “I was just thinking about us, you know. How, when we were her age, well I was just meeting you, and the whole thing was new and dangerous and just…the past gets to you sometimes,” he finished quietly.

“I know what you mean,” Buffy said, leaning forward with her elbows on the island. “We’ve come a long way,” she said with simple sincerity. She patted Xander’s hand once and the gripped it, giving it a little squeeze.

Xander gave an exaggerated wince. “Watch your slayer strength there,” he said with a wink. “These hands, they’re ma money makers!” he said with a little flourish. “Sides, don’t wanna have to tell the guys on site I can’t help out today cause my hand has been crushed by a girl.”

“Macho pride,” Buffy laughed. Xander couldn’t help himself. He broke into an idiotic grin. Buffy laughed far too seldom as far as he was concerned, and he reveled in each moment of her joy.

“I’m ready!” came Dawn’s piping voice from doorway. “You guys coming or what? I thought you wanted me there on time!”

Buffy and Xander both moved for the door at the same time. They bumped into each other as they both tried to leave the kitchen, and Xander chuckled.

“Rather three stooges of us,” he thought with a smile. He was on the verge of saying just that, but stopped himself. “Three…” he thought. “I wonder what Willow’s doing right now…”

Buffy saw the frown that crossed his features and her own smile faltered. It wasn’t fair that he should unhappy today, but she thought she might know the cause. He’d been quiet a lot lately. She reached out and put her hand on his shoulder. She didn’t have to say anything.

This summer had been hard on them both. It had always been the three of them. Four, technically…but with Giles it wasn’t the same thing. No, it was the three of them, and to not have Willow there all summer…Xander hadn’t been sure he was going to make it. Granted, he and Buffy were closer than ever. But the fact remained that Willow had been his best friend…practically his whole life. As usual, he wouldn’t have been able to do it if it hadn’t been for Buffy.

“I’m alright,” he said quietly. “Really.”

Buffy turned slightly to him. “Xander,” she said quietly, “I know. A lot’s happening right now. I just…I can’t let the momentum stop right now.” She shook her head and her hair bobbed a little. Xander was momentarily transfixed by it. He really did love her hair these days. Stupid to notice it now, but, there it was nonetheless.

“I know,” Xander said. “We’ll be fine. We always make it through. And hey, long as one of us doesn’t die, I figure we’re coming out on the plus side.” He meant it as a joke. He said it as a joke. But he knew the reality of it was a little too real, particularly with Dawn heading to the Hellmouth itself.

They were standing awfully close. Xander was suddenly very aware of how close they were. Buffy had lowered her eyes. It was a trademark Buffy move, a way of not letting those around her see what was going on inside. Buffy’s face was like an open book, and she knew it, so she took care to hide it when she could.

Xander reached out and put a finger under her chin and raised her face. “Hey, if I can survive high school, Dawnie’s going to own the place in a day.”

Buffy rolled her eyes. “I’ll be happy if she doesn’t fail chemistry like I almost did.”

There was a moment when they seemed to be breathing each other’s air as they stood in the doorway, offering what comfort they could to each other. And then something changed. Buffy’s grip on his shoulder tightened ever so slightly and he leaned forward a fraction of an inch.

Xander didn’t know what was happening. Well…he did. His mind was going insane. For a moment he was sixteen again. He was pressing his lips against Buffy’s lifeless form, knowing that he would have died for her. Knowing he had to save her, or he would die. It really felt that bad. The next moment, he was seventeen, and Buffy was grinding against him.

“Xander,” he heard her say, “Did I ever thank you for saving my life?”
“No,” he responded, as he always did whenever this moment snuck up on him.
“Don’t you wish I would?”

His mind reeled as moment raced through his head. There he was watching her at prom, sneaking up on her at the Bronze, standing in silent support in the hospital after Joyce…, and gazing down at her still form at the base of Glory’s tower, all those moments, all those memories. So much history lay between them. He almost chickened out and kissed her forehead. Almost.

Their lips met. Xander wasn’t sure what he had expected this moment to be like. His experience with slayers was notably limited to Faith, who was Buffy’s opposite in so many ways Xander had lost count. This kiss…it was simple. It was soft. And it was over before it had really begun.

Xander found himself looking down into Buffy’s eyes. Her lips had formed a little half smile.

“I’m glad I have you with me, Xander,” she said, barely above a whisper.

Without another word, Buffy slid through the kitchen doorway and out the front door to meet Dawn, standing by the car. As she crossed the threshold, she looked back. Xander still stood where she’d left him, feeling a little dazed. Buffy smiled at him, and Xander’s whole body filled with hope. That smile wasn’t just an ordinary smile. That smile said, as clearly as if she’d spoke,

“We’ll continue this later.”
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