Adult Fic

Apr 11, 2006 15:19

Title: You are Mine
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Characters: Angelus/Drusilla
Word Count: 2,941
Rating: FR-Adult
Author's Notes: Angelus isn't happy that Drusilla is flaunting her new pet right in front of him. She needs to remember who she belongs to.

Angelus listened to the sounds leaking in from the next room and fought the urge to retch in disgust. Drusilla was trying his patience, and she knew it. She thought she had won against him, with her little toy. She thought that she could play the same kind of tricks he did, by flaunting the child in front of him. And, so far, he had let her. But the time was coming when he would have to remind her of her place.

Slowly, methodically, Angelus rose from his bed, the one he only shared with Darla when it suited him, and put on his clothing. Almost as though she knew what he was doing, and he wasn’t entirely sure she couldn’t read his mind, the sounds in the next room rose to a near deafening level. He marveled that the bed was holding up under such punishment. And if it collapsed, he certainly wasn’t going to give her a new one.

As he reached the door to Drusilla’s room, he heard what were definitely the sounds of impending climax. Perfect timing as far as he was concerned. Angelus thrust the door open with enough force to make it crash into the wall, knocking two pictures off the wall. Without giving the pair in the bed time to react, Angelus grabbed Drusilla by the hair of her head and threw her off the bed and onto the floor. There was a wet, sucking noise, as she disconnected from her pet. The pathetic creature didn’t even rise to protect her, or even formulate some kind of reply. He simply stared up at Angelus in a defiant mask, thinly covering his abject terror of the older vampire.

Ignoring the waste of space which dared call himself a vampire, Angelus knelt over Drusilla’s prostrate form.

“You try my patience,” he said through clenched teeth, but did not move to strike her. He knew she expected it, and he also knew that, despite its desired effect, any pain he inflicted would probably have the opposite result. She liked pain even more than he did. Therefore, he kept his hands loose at his sides, resisting the urge to let them ball up into fists. “You play with this thing…the whole place reeks of you both. I won’t tolerate it, little one.”

Drusilla looked so confused, though it was hardly any different from the normal expression of dazed detachment she usually wore. But he was not here to teach a lesson. He’d taught enough of those. Instead, he wanted only peace and quiet. And to achieve that, he knew he only had to scare her just enough.

“If I have to smell the stink of you and your pet once more, or be kept awake by the thrashings, I’ll be sure to give you both a little walk in the daylight.” He rose, looking down on her as though she were nothing more than a pile of refuse. He’d tried frightening young William before, but it had been a mistake. The child was not his, as Drusilla was. And he knew that Dru, more than any other creature on the earth, would fear his rejection. He should have gone at her from the beginning, rather than the welp. But he just couldn’t bring himself to. Drusilla was his prefect creation and he didn’t want to deny her any more than she did.

Angelus turned towards the door without looking back. He half expected some childlike plea to come from her, as she lay huddled, actually shielding her nudity, something he’d never seen her do before. She had walked through riots completely nude, and yet now she cowered and was ashamed. He almost laughed.

He left them there, alone and quiet, and did not even bother to shut the door behind him.

* * *

Drusilla laid back, the edges of the stairs pressing into her naked flesh. For two days, Angelus had not looked at her, and she knew just how angry he was with her. She wanted to do something to make Daddy happy again. And this was what she knew he wanted. What he always wanted. And what he had had so little of since her William had come home. She knew he would be home soon…the dawn was coming. Darla had returned an hour ago. William…her precious William… She had not liked drugging him with his drink. The poison in the young girl’s veins wouldn’t hurt him, of course; just give him a nice long sleep. But it wasn’t her style, and it had circled about in her disjointed mind like a tiger prowling through trees. But if she ignored it, it seemed nothing more than a tickling in the corner of her thoughts, like the beatings of a moth’s wings.

Drusilla spread her slender legs wide, in open invitation, and waited for her sire to return.

* * *

Angelus could smell her even before he opened the door to their home. Her arousal was so thick, it hung in the air like a fog, making his own groin tighten. And yet her pet’s heady scent was conspicuously missing. He wondered just what that could possibly mean. Perhaps her effort to abide his wishes had resulted in a state of need that she couldn’t control. Perhaps he would force her to pleasure herself in front of him. That was a game they had not played in quite some time.

The front door opened without a sound, and yet he sensed, as he stepped through the threshold, a definite upswing in the level of excitement that seemed to permeate the atmosphere. Closing the door with a delicate click, he wondered what that could possibly mean. As Angelus stepped out of the foyer and into the main hall, he received his answer.

Drusilla sat, sprawled elegantly, in the center of the sweeping grand staircase. She wore not a stitch of clothing, and the cool shadows of the house slid across her pale skin in what looked almost like a caress. Her legs were spread so wide, he could see her completely opened to him, even from across the empty space between them. Her smell as so thick and sweet, Angelus could hardly stop his mouth from watering. Posturing was useless and he knew it. The sight of her brought his own arousal instantly, and painfully, to his attention. And to hers, no doubt. Sometimes he forgot how devilishly clever she was behind that veil of insanity.

Angelus walked slowly across the room, making each step deliberately measured. It wouldn’t do to rush across the room and ravish her. He wouldn’t fall victim to her game that easily. He knew she thought this would bring her back into his good graces, but he intended to make her want him. Want him more than she wanted her pet. He wanted her to remember this encounter the next time her pathetic excuse for a lover thrust himself upon her. She thought she was in charge, but she should have known better.

At last, after what seemed to be a year’s worth of slow movement, Angelus stood on the step below where her feet rested. The look of abject adoration and total willingness she wore was almost his undoing. Her mouth hanging slightly open, her eyes locked on his and her pretty little cunt practically quivering with the need to be touched.

Angelus slowly placed one foot on the step between her legs, and knelt down. He rested his head on the inside of her thigh, so close he knew she could feel the air he used to speak brushing against her delicate insides.

“My child, is there something you wanted to tell me?” he asked sweetly. To anyone just listening, he might have been asking the question of his five year old daughter, not the devastatingly beautiful woman who lay so open before him.

“You were angry with me,” she answered, a hint of pout creeping into her voice. “You tore my dress and everyone was dancing, but I was left all alone.” Her lower lip quivered.

“Oh little one,” he said soothingly, with a glint in his eyes that was anything but fatherly. “I canna stay mad at you,” he whispered, bringing one hand up slowly to cup between her legs, feeling her wetness against the palm of his hand. He rubbed slowly back and forth, petting her gently, and watching the battle raging behind her eyes. He knew that she wished only to be his servant, to make him happy in whatever ways he wanted. And he also knew that she was a creature driven by pleasure and want, and that thoughts of her pet would not keep her from doing exactly what she wanted when she wanted. But there was a hesitation he didn’t like. Maybe she felt more for the boy than he thought. Not that it matter.

Drusilla’s legs, already spread wide, moved a little bit further. Her assent was a surety, but her encouragement was what he wanted, and he smiled as she gave it. Moving his hand to the side and using it to stroke her inner thigh, Angelus shifted closer. The scent of her was intoxicating and he breathed it in through his nose, nearly swooning from the intensity of it. With one, slow thrust, he pushed his tongue deep inside her folds. Drusilla whimpered quietly and her hips rolled towards him ever so slightly, urging his tongue deeper. He had no need of oxygen. She could smother him all she liked, and it did not matter. But he would not help her do it. The need was growing in him, but he would not answer it until she was utterly his once more.

She dared not touch him just yet, and he knew it would take a bit of urging. He rolled his tongue once, the tip flicking against the sensitive spots inside her, just short of the places he knew she wanted him to touch. Just a little deeper…

Angelus felt a tentative hand placed on the back of his head and he knew the game was truly begun. The gentle pressure she applied was more than enough to gain her reward and Angelus pushed his mouth firmly against her in a way no mortal man ever could. His skilled tongue sank into her wetness and stroked the innermost walls, eliciting small shrieks of pleasure from his dark beauty.

Drusilla’s thighs closed together slightly, pressing against the sides of his head as her hips rolled towards him again and again. The hand on his head had grown bolder, pushing him as close against her as was physically possible and twining tightly in his hair. He periodically retracted his tongue only long enough to draw her aching clit into his mouth for the briefest of moments. He bit and sucked it enticingly, but never long enough to satisfy her, before plunging his tongue once more into her depths. He knew she would not withstand the torture much longer.

As he felt the telltale shudders move through her body, Angelus withdrew. The mewling protests from his lovely companion meant nothing. She would not know her release until he was ready to give it to her.

Angelus rose and gazed down Drusilla. She did not reach out for him and he knew that she was waiting for him to undress. The slight twitch of her hands at her sides told him that her impatience was growing and, if he did not make a move soon, she might attempt to remove his clothing for him, which he simply could not allow. Yet. Instead, he lowered himself onto her, still completely clothed, and ground his erection against her dripping slit. He could feel the wetness through the fabric of his pants and the urge to take her then and there was maddening…particularly when she began to grind back. Her back arched and he could feel her erect nipples brushing against shirt. The friction was delicious and his already tight pants became just the barest hint tighter. He could not recall the last time he had wanted a woman so much.

Now, Angelus had no problems in letting her undress him. As much as he wanted to remain in complete control, he was still a man with only so much restraint. He marveled that he could remain still as she untucked his shirt and slid her hands up underneath it, caressing the contours of his chest. As she pulled the offending fabric over his head, he fell on her, out of a sheer need to feel her skin against his. He kissed her bruising possessiveness, forcing his tongue, still sweet from her juices, into her mouth. She sucked on it greedily, as she might have sucked on something else. But Angelus didn’t think he could stand that particular delight. Another time perhaps.

Supporting his weight on his knees while trying not to lose contact, Angelus unbuckled his belt and tugged roughly at his trousers. His aching erection sprang free at last, a small droplet of moisture clinging to the tip in anticipation. He wanted to bury himself in her right then and there, but he wanted her to make him do it even more. He broke off his kiss and fastened his lips to one of her rosy nipples. He bit hard with his blunt teeth, causing her entire body to arch into him and brought his hard cock into direct contact with her dampness.

Drusilla raised both of her legs and pressed them against his sides. With her feet, she forced his pants down until they pooled around his knees. One hand trailed up his back. As he bit down once more, she sank her nails into his flesh, leaving long, bloody gouges. Her ankles locked behind his back and she pulled him towards her with an urgency that as welcome as it was sudden.

Before Angelus could even react to the sudden pull, his cock slid home. She crushed him to herself until he was buried to the hilt. A grunt of pleasure escaped them both as they drew shuddering, unneeded breathes. But now that the act was begun, Angelus knew he could control himself.

Sliding one hand under the small of her back, Angelus raised Drusilla enough to press her against his chest. His other hand fastened into her hair, gripping a large fistful of it and pulling so that her head was arched back and her bare throat gleaming in the half light. The angle of her body against his was perfect.

Supporting most of her weight, Angelus was able to slam into her with reckless abandon. His cock slid in and out of her in fast, harsh thrusts, as she bounced up and down against him. The delicious, wet slapping sound of flesh on flesh mingled with her yips and shrieks was like music. He could hear his own throaty moans bouncing back to him from the walls of the large, echoing hall. But he needed more. He wanted to watch her as he pounded her.

Angelus let go of her writing body and let her weight sink back against the stairs and pulled himself from her. For one moment, she looked confused, but understanding dawned as he grabbed her ankles and pulled them from around his waist. He pressed her thighs as flat against the step as they could go. Slowly, he spread her open so far she was practically doing the splits as she lay before him.

With his hands gripping her thighs firmly to keep her in place, Angelus eased his cock slowly back into her slick cunt. He arched his back with each thrust, forcing himself all the way in, deeper than before and so very much slower. He wanted her to feel every inch of him as he fucked her.

After a few thrusts, Angelus began to pick up speed. The force drove Drusilla hard against the wood of the stairs, causing delicious little flickers of pain so slide across her face. But they only heightened the pleasure for them both. As Angelus’s cock pounded into her again and again, she arched her back, practically screaming. Her head made audible contact with the step above on each thrust, only prompting Angelus to go faster.

At last, it seemed, Drusilla could take it no more. Her eyes rolled up in her head and her entire body went completely rigid. The force of her climax rocked through her body, shaking her from head to toe, with an ear splitting shriek. Her muscles clamped down an Angelus so hard it hurt. The intense pain that shot through his cock made Angelus keel over on top of Drusilla’s violently shaking form as he lost himself deep inside her. He came hard, thrust violently once or twice into her tight muscles, before completely collapsing on top of her trembling form.

Angelus allowed himself to rest on top of her for a full minute. But that was all. Using every ounce of willpower in his body, Angelus pushed himself back into a kneeling position, pulling himself from her. Shakily, he stood.

With one good shake, Angelus seemed to regain his poise. He did not look at Drusilla as he pulled up his pants and reached for his shirt. When he had completely redressed, he cast a glance at her, as though he had forgotten she was there.

“You should get back to your pet, Dru,” he said chidingly. “He’ll want tending.” And, without another word, Angelus left her there, on the stairs, and turned towards the comfort of his own room.
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