May 01, 2007 12:19
i do not want to leave here. i do not want my first year of college to be over. i became so lucky to be able to live with some of the greatest people on earth, and i don't want them to be away from me. amanda and kelly are in south bend, lindsey is in indianapolis, so at least that's close. julie will be in highland, alyson in terre haute. whitney and bekah will be in muncie, so that's still not too far away. sara will be in noblesville working with me so at least i'll have her close. jess will be in greenwood, so hopefully i'll get to see her when i visit my family, but damn. 3 months away from them is too long. i feel honored to be able to call them some of my best friends and we have only known each other for about 9 months. they all were there when kurt died and when melody ditched out on me and when chloe was sucking at life and when jen got a boyfriend so i never saw her. this past school year has been, without a doubt, the best time of my life. i could not have asked for better people to live with. i really lucked out.
i love my brayta 8ta zeta girls like crazy. next year definitely won't be the same, but thank goodness jess amanda lindsey and julie will live down the street at noyer so when sara and jen are with their boyfriends, i will have somebody close to visit. and i already know that amanda's birthday will be an incredible reunion of the brayta 8ta zetas. i'm so sad to leave them but so happy to have met the coolest people at ball state.